
This data point type contains the settings for archiving using the relational database. See also RDB archiving.

  • If queryRDBdirect = 1: read is possible, write is not possible.

  • If queryRDBdirect = 0: read and write is not possible.

In case of openDBConnection = 0 and closeDBConnection = 1 following behavior for queryRDBdirect is set:

Data point element Type Description
arNr int Archive number.
db.dbType string Database type ("ORACLE").
db.password string Database password of the schema user who is logged on (encrypted).
db.host string Data source. Equals to the Connect Identifier from RDB_config.sql.
db.user string Name of the DB schema user who is logged on.
dbConnection.connected bool Indicates whether the connection to the database is established (TRUE = yes, FALSE = no).
dbConnection.connectionTime time Time of the latest successful establishment of a database connection (format: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS.mmm).
dbConnection.disconnectionTime time Time of the latest database disconnection (format: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS.mmm).
dbConnection.dbConnError int

Number of the DB connection error.

If no error occurred, the value is 0. The error codes used here always correspond to the error codes generated by the database itself.

dbConnection.closeDBConnection bool Closes/Opens (TRUE/FALSE) the connection to the database. Thereby the data buffering is activated. Reading from the database is still possible (but not data, which was not yet written to the database).
dbConnection.openDBConnection bool

Opens/Closes (TRUE/FALSE) the connection to the database. The RDB initialization after database start is timely delayed (default = 30 seconds; see delayAfterDBRestart in chapter Possible config entries for RDB archiving).

If openDBConnection and closeDBConnection have the same value during RDB manager start-up, this are corrected (openDBConnection = TRUE, closeDBConnection = FALSE). If one of these DPEs is set, the other serves as a status indication. If the value changes on the other DPE, the connections are completely closed or opened.

splitMode.splitActive bool Indicates whether the split mode is active (see also Redundancy in split mode).
splitMode.splitManualState bool Indicates whether the local system (TRUE) or the second system (FALSE) writes to the database when the split mode is active.
writingStatus.lastDp string After each written data block the active RDB manager writes the stamp DPName from the content of the latest clock entry onto this data point element.
writingStatus.lastWrite time After each written data block the active RDB manager writes the stamp DPTime from the content of the latest clock entry onto this data point element.
redu.activeOn time Time since when the active server is writing into the database (format: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS.mmm).
redu.activeOff time Time since when the active server is not more writing into the database (format: YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS.mmm).
redu.errorStatus int Number of the error state.
buffer.maxEntries int Maximal number of buffed entries per block (default = 1000).
buffer.maxBlocks int Maximal number of blocks in buffer (default = 1000).
buffer.retentionPeriod int Interval in milliseconds between two write attempts (default = 200 ms).
buffer.flushInterval int Interval in milliseconds after which a block (even if not full) is written into the database (default = 0 = deactivated).
buffer.currentBlocks int Current number of blocks in buffer.
buffer.maxHDBlocks int Maximal number of blocks which are stored on the hard disc (Default = 0).
buffer.flushHDBlockEntries int Number of entries within a block after which this is written from the RAM onto the hard disc (default = 0 = the flush is carried out when the block is full; 1 = the flush is carried out after each block entry - minimum data loss, but may affect the performance).
buffer.bufferToDiskIndicator int

Indicates the buffer behavior:

0 = normal mode

1 = building HD buffer

2 = reducing HD buffer

For further information see BufferToDiskMin and BufferToDiskMax.

dbConfig.reConnectMisses int Number of the connection establishment attempts after interruption of the database connection (default = 400).
dbConfig.reConnectDelay int Delay in milliseconds between the connection establishment attempts (default = 3000).
dbConfig.dbWriteMisses int Number of attempts to write a value into the database in the event of a failure (default = 5).
dbConfig.dbWriteDelay int Delay in milliseconds between the attempts to write a value into the database (default = 200).
dbConfig.dbWriteDelayError int Delay in milliseconds between the attempts to write a value into the database in the event of a failure (default = 200).
flushBuffer bool Indicates whether data is written from RAM into the database (TRUE = yes, FALSE = no).
error.errNum int

Number of the current error of the RDB archive manager.

If there is no error the value in 0. The error codes used here always correspond to the error codes generated by the database itself.

error.errDp string Data point element that triggered this error (when writing to the database).
error.errBit bool If an error occurred the status changes to TRUE and an alert is triggered.
stopWriteToDB bool Enables (FALSE) and disables (TRUE) the data buffering. For further information see Details on data buffering.
schema string

Assignment of database schemas to WinCC OA systems.



For example:


Schema can also be empty, e.g. "3:@Link1".

The DB link needs to be created manually (directly in Oracle). All read accesses to the specified system then take place over this DB link. Each system may only be defined once. For further information see DB-Schema tab.