
The data point type _MediaConfig saves the different configurations, which were created in the Archive Control panel with the configurations button. (see Archiv Control panel). The settings for database security (of the alert database) are set here. (see Data backup ).

Data point element Type Description
Name dyn_string Name of the configuration.
Type dyn_string Type of the configuration that is used for the data export: DAT, HD.
Device dyn_string Target path of the data export.
MountDir dyn_string Mount directory.
SyncTime.Day dyn_string Day of synchronous time.
SyncTime.Hour dyn_uint Hour of synchronous time
SyncTime.Minute dyn_uint Minute of synchronous time
CycleTime dyn_uint The file cycle is the time period after which a change of the database files is executed.
Size dyn_uint Useful storage capacity of the storage medium.