
This data point type contains general configurations and saves settings that are made centrally , for example, settings for cluttering/decluttering (Data point _Config) or central settings from the system management panel.

Node/element Type Description
.MinPrio uint Minimum priority of an alert which should be shown in the alert panel.
.StartHour uint Start time of the first shift
.NumShifts uint Number of shifts
.ShowInternals bool

0 = Internal data points are not shown

1 = Show internal data points

.MaxLines uint Maximum number of lines which should be read out from the database. If the number is exceeded the alert or event screen opens a child panel. Default is 10000.
.DpeTargetText dyn_langString
.DpeTargetDevice dyn_string
.NotesChanged bool
.Cluttering struc Settings for cluttering/decluttering
.Cluttering.LowerLimits dyn_float Lower limits of the zoom range; settings for cluttering/decluttering
.Cluttering.UpperLimits dyn_float Upper limits of the zoom range;settings for cluttering/decluttering
.MaxLinesToDisplay int Maximum number of lines displayed in the opened alert or event screen. Default is 10000.
.MaxDpeToDisplay int Maximum number of DPEs that are displayed in the alert or event screen. Default is 1000
MaxDpeHoursToDisplay int Maximum number of DPEs multiplied by hours that are displayed in the alert or event panel. Default 24000 (1000 DPEs within 24 hours)