
Contains the data points _ReduManager and ReduManager2 with the state of the connections (see Redundancy).

Data point element Type Description
MyErrorStatus uint Own error status.
PeerErrorStatus uint Error status of the partner.
MaxMyErrorStatus uint Maximal value of the own error status.
PeerAlive.LastAliveTime time Time of the last received alive sign (deactivated in config)
PeerAlive.Link0 bool Status of the LAN connection 0.
Command.ActiveSet bool Emergency switch active.
Command.ActiveReset bool Emergency switch passive.
CommandPreferredSet bool Preference state active.
Command.PreferredReset bool Preference state passive.
Command.ActiveAuto bool Set the data point _ReduManager.Command.ActiveAuto to TRUE so that the "Preferred" setting is deleted and the active server remains active in case of same error state.
Status.Active bool Computer is active (1) or passive (0).
Status.Perferred bool Preference state is set Y/N
Status.Manual bool Emergency switch executed Y/N.
Status.Reason int

Reason of the redu change:

0: goodRange: <No Text>

1: No connection to redundant peer

2: Forced active

3: Preferred active

4: Set active automatically

5: Active due to split mode

The alerts (reasons) are shown in the alert screen.

EvStatus bool Is the Event Manager active (1) or passive (0).
IsRecovering uint 0 = no recovery takes place or is finished again 1 = active/running host starts recovery for passive host 2 = passive/starting host is still recovering
PeerCommand int Internal => Please do not use!
SplitMode bool Split mode is active (TRUE) / inactive (FALSE)
SplitActive bool TRUE for the active Event side. In the split mode both events are active. This means both process messages. In a distributed system only one event may, however, forward dpSets to external systems, otherwise the commands would be processed twice in the external system.
MyErrorStatusRemote uint Error status of the remote system.
MissingMonitoredManagers dyn_string Missing managers on the system, which are monitored.
FileSync.Command uint

1 = command for file synchronization is set

0 = Waiting for commands

FileSync.State uint

1 = file synchronization is running

0 = ready

FileSync.Directories.Pattern dyn_string List of directories (relative to the project directory) for the synchronization, e.g. "panels/*.pnl", "scripts/*"
FileSync.Directories.Active dyn_bool

TRUE: the directories from Pattern will be synchronized

FALSE: the directories from Pattern will not be synchronized

FileSync.Directories.Recursive dyn_bool

TRUE: also subdirectories from Pattern will be synchronized

FALSE: subdirectories will not be synchronized

FileSync.Loops uint The directories are checked/synchronized n-times (at least one check/synchronization is performed even if the internal DPE is set to 0).
FileSync.CheckTime uint

0 = the modification time of the file is not checked

1 = file is copied, if the modification times differ

2 = file is copied, if the modification time is newer

FileSync.CheckMD5 bool

TRUE: the MD5 checksum should be used for the file synchronization

FALSE = MD5 checksum is not used

ErrorChangeReason string

Use the debug flag "calcstate" to log status changes. This means changes in the manager state. Also the new calculated error state and the missing (not running) monitored managers are logged. Use the debug flag for the CTRL manager that starts the calculateState.ctl script. The changes are also written to the internal data point element _ReduManager(_2).ErrorChangeReason.

The debug flag (-dbg calcstate) specifies that the messages are shown in the log viewer. The messages are always written to the data point element _ReduManager(_2).ErrorChangeReason.