
Internal data point used for setting the permissions for Excel Reporting

Data point Element Type Description
Authenticate.Username string Name of the user for whom the permission apply.
Authenticate.Password string Password for authentication (encrypted)
Authenticate.Workstation string Host name
Authenticate.LoginValid boolean Information about the login being successful
Authenticate.GlobalPermission string Global permissions for Exel Reporting (see Value Table below)
Authenticate.Areas dyn_string Groups used for setting of special permissions
Authenticate.AreaPermission dyn_string Permissions for each group
Authenticate.Logout boolean Command for the Report > Logout
Exec.cmd string Not in use
Exec.state string Not in use

Value Table - Permissions

Value Constant Permission for
1000 0000 0 ExcelReport_edit_costs Edit costs
0100 0000 0 ExcelReport_edit_basevalues Edit base values (base values, protocol types and state bits)
0010 0000 0 ExcelReport_read_archive Read archive structure
0001 0000 0 ExcelReport_options Edit options ("Options" menu)
0000 1000 0 ExcelReport_recipients Edit mail recipients
0000 0100 0 ExcelReport_scheduler Edit scheduler
0000 0010 0 ExcelReport_shortcut Create shortcut
0000 0001 0 ExcelReport_upgrade_template Upgrade template
0000 0000 1 ExcelReport_edit_template Create, edit and save templates