Manager options, basics

Command line options

Command line options are parameters that are given to the manager when the managers start from the console or parameters that are given to the manager when a shell command is executed.


Start the user interface with the PARA module as follows:

WCCOAui -m para

The user interface starts with the configuration module (see PARA module) if the necessary rights for PARA exist.

For more information see General options.

Debug levels (debug flags)

There are debug levels for each manager or driver (for example, -dbg 2 or -dbg <name>). The levels enable specific information output. The command line option -helpdbg shows the possible debug levels in the command line interpreter of the operating system. The dbg name may be an arbitrary name and can be added directly to the console or registered first via the registerDbgFlag() function. The debug flags, however, do not have to be registered first but can be added directly to the console.

To use multiple debug flags for one manager, it is possible to add them separated with a comma ",", e.g. "-dbg 10,11,12".

For more information see chapter General debug flags.

Chapter Description
Manager options, basics Description of command line options and debug levels as well as links to managers
General options Options that are valid for all managers and drivers
General debug flags Debug flags which can be used for every manager and driver.
WCCOAascii Possible error codes of the ASCII Manager (see also ASCII Manager)
WCCOActrl Specific options and debug levels of the CTRL Manager (see also Introduction CTRL)
WCCILdata Specific options and debug levels of the Data manager.
WCCILdist Specific options and debug levels of the Distribution manager.
WCCILevent Specific options and debug levels of the Event Manager
WCCILredu Specific options and debug levels of the redundancy managers (see also Redundancy)
WCCILsim Specific options and debug levels of the Simulator driver (see also Simulator)
WCCOAui Specific options and debug levels of the User interface Manager. See also Module VISION, basics and Module GEDI, basics