_DriverCommon (General driver)

DP element Type Description
AD.DPMatch Dyn. DP Identifier Diagnostics for peripheral addresses: If a wildcard string is sent to the HWMask element, the driver returns in this element a list of all data point elements that are configured to a matching peripheral address. The expression * thus returns all data point elements that have a peripheral address in the active driver.
AD.HWMask string Diagnostics for peripheral addresses: A wildcard string is sent to this element: all peripheral addresses matching it should be found.
DC bool

Internal element for redundancy monitoring. If this bit is set, the driver cannot send any data to the periphery.

This element won't be set in the redundant system. That means that information about sent driver commands cannot be educed.

Used in combination with the MS element.

HW.HWMask string If a wildcard string is sent to this element, all matching periphery adresses are returned.
HW.HWMatch dyn_string Returns all periphery addresses matching the wildcard string defined at HW.HWMask.
EM uint Error mode of the driver. If this value is greater than 0, the general driver's error reporting is activated.
GQ uint General query. If this element is set, a general query occurs on all the drivers. For the OPC client this means a refresh call for all groups in all servers to which the client is connected.
PE float This value specifies how much the planned polling time can differ from the time when it is actually performed, before the job is cancelled and executed at the next scheduled time. This element is used for debugging purposes, and is not intended for changes by the user.
MS bool This DPE allows to set the driver status via the DC data point element. FALSE: Driver derives his Redu status from messages of the Event Manager. TRUE: Driver derives his status from the DC data point element. Default value is FALSE.
PM bool This bit can be used to enable or disable the polling. The bit is not relevant for drivers that do not query the inputs cyclic.
SM uint

This value determines the driver's smoothing mode. Three levels are distinguished:

0 always smooth (normal status)

1 always smooth except for the general query

2 never smooth (i.e. let everything pass)

Note that when you update a project or create a new project, the value of the datapoint is set to 1, meaning that the values are always smoothed except for the general query.

SQ Dp Identifier If a valid identifier is passed to this element, the corresponding element is retrieved from the periphery in a single query. Of course, this is only possible if the given element has a periphery Config and is open as an input.
IGQ string

The data point element IGQ in the general driver sends set values or commands from WinCC OA to the peripheral device. In fact, the values are sent to all DPs whose peripheral address matches the mask specified as a value in the IGQ data point element.

Example: Enter the following strings as an original value of the DP:

"*" ... sends the set values for all DPs.

"1_*" ... sends the set values for all DPs whose peripheral address start with "1_". Several masks can be separated by ";".

DT string This element defines the type of the driver, for example, RK512 for driver RK512, PRFMS for driver Profibus, SIM for driver Simulator, ...
OV bool This element signals overload of a driver. Additionally this element has an alert handling and is displayed in the alert screen, if the driver produces overload (i.e. driver generates data faster than it can be handled in the system).
AL.AckDps dyn_dpid

The data point elements AckDps and AckData allow to acknowledge alerts via the driver.

AckDps contains the data point elements of the alerts which shall be acknowledged. There must be an alert time for every data point element.

AL.AckData dyn_string

The data point elements AckDps and AckData allow to acknowledge alerts via the driver.

AckData contains the alert times of the alerts which shall be acknowledged. The alert time must be specified in the following format: "<time stamp> | <counter>"

Example: "2016.04.12 16:14:22.710 | 16"

AL.AClasses dyn_string If the driver states an alert class when triggering an alert, the respective alert class must be defined here. There will be an error if the driver tries to state an alert class which is not known to the ComDrv.