The data point type _Event is used for license information and the "heartbeat" signal of the event manager.
Changing this data point (for example, deleting/adding/renaming elements, deleting DPs) is not allowed!
Data point element | Type | Description |
ReadLicense | string | When this element is set to an empty string, the license information is renewed. Generally, the WinCC OA Licensing checks the validity of a license every 10 minutes. See chapter |
Heartbeat | integer | This data point element is incremented according to the specified interval (every second by default, see also heartbeatTime). This DP element indicates whether the Event Manager is running its main loop and is therefore functional. |
License contains the elements below: | ||
ExpirationCnt | string | Internal information about the license. |
RemainingTime | uint | The remaining time (minutes) the license is valid. |
FixedShield | string | Contains entries for fixed licensing (see also Licensing). |
HW | string | Contains entries for fixed licensing (see also Licensing). |
cmLicenseInvalid | integer | When the used Code Meter license cannot be reached during the periodic license check, the value of the data point element cmLicenseInvalid is set to 1 and an alert is triggered.
The data point element is set to 0 again when the Code Meter license is available again. |