
This data point type contains the settings for the value archives. See also: History DB.

Element Sub Element Type Purpose
arNr int archive number
state2) int 0 = stop, 1 = online, 2 = swapped out, 3 = deleted -
arType1) int 0 = values, 1 = messages; default: 0
arName langString name of an archive [18]; Attention: Langtext!; default: ValueArchive_x
hostNameGet3) string Host computer for .Archive [32]
hostNameSet string Set the host computer
filePathGet3) string basis path for archive records, 128], default.: <proj_path>/db/VA_000x
filePathSet string Set the basis path
fileNameGet4) string file name rule for archive records, 64],- default: YYYYMMDDHHMOSS
fileNameSet string Set file name rule
createArchive3) int 1=create archive (is only considered if the archive path does not contain any archive records yet )
forwardToRDB bool Defines whether the values are forwardedfrom the Value Archive to the RDB or not. Default: false
errNum int Error of the last archive operation.
errDp dpid DpId that triggered an error (for example, archive overflow)
errBit bool is set in case of an archive overflow (alert handling)
errRead uint

0 = default value

1 = shows that the archive is busy and queries may take longer.

If the number of pending queries exceeds the number of reading threads available for this archive, errRead is set to 1. This check is performed after each new query, however, the element is only set or reset after a value change.

maxDpElGet4) uint Max. number of DP elements
maxDpElSet uint Set the max. number of DPEs
maxValuesGet4) uint Max. number of value entries
maxValuesSet uint Set max. number of value entries
maxFillPctGet4) int Max. fill rate in %, 0 = 100 -1 = no change of archive record if maxValues has been reached
maxFillPctSet int Set max. fill rate
maxHeapSizeGet4) uint Max.size of memory heap (in kilobytes)
maxHeapSizeSet uint Set max. size of heap
uint Max. size of archive input buffer in MB
maxCacheSet uint Set max. size of archive input buffer (default 32 MB)
maxCorrCacheGet uint Max. size of correction value input buffer in MB
maxCorrCacheSet uint Set max. size of correction value input buffer
aliveInterval uint Cycle time for time stamp (in seconds)
saveCycle uint Cycle time for online backup of the current archive record (in seconds)
switchTimeGet4) DP Typ Time of archive record change, reference to _TimedFunc is managed by the archive itself
switchTimeSet DP Typ Set time
switchRoundOffGet uint Period in seconds that indicates when the values are actually written into the new archive. This means that the new archive record is created at the time switchTime but is activated switchRoundOff seconds later. The "real"switch time therefore is switchTime + switchRoundOff -
switchRoundOffSet uint Set the transition period
overflowCountGet4) uint min. number of empty value tuples per DPE in the compressed archive record, in the level 1.
overflowCountSet uint Set min. number of empty value tuples
overflowPctGet4) int Percentage of empty value tuples in the compressed archive record in level 1
overflowPctSet int Set the percentage of empty value tuples
overlapPeriodGet 4) uint Length of time indicating how long both archive records remain open when the archive record is changed (in seconds)
overlapPeriodSet uint Set time
expKeepPeriodGet4) uint Hysteresis for expanded non-updated archive record (in seconds)
expKeepPeriodSet uint Set hysteresis
packCountGet 4) uint Number archive records in compression level 1
packCountSet uint Set the number of archive record
packTimeGet 4) DP Typ Time of compression, at level 2, reference to _TimedFunc is managed by the archive itself
packTimeSet DP Typ Set time
autoStartAfterSwitchGet bool Starts automatically after a file change. If the value is TRUE the archives are compressed automatically.
autoStartAfterSwitchSet bool Starts automatically after a set file change. If the value is TRUE the archives are compressed automatically.
fileMerge 4)
mergeCountGet 4) uint Number of archive records used to define the level for overflow. This means that if this value of archive records is exceeded, the values are merged.
mergeCountSet uint Set number of archive records
mergeTimeGet4) DP Typ Time for merge reference to _TimedFunc. It is managed by the archive itself
mergeTimeSet DP Typ Set time
keepCountGet4) uint Max. number of saved archive records, 0 = use only interval
keepCountSet uint Set maximum number of saved archive records
removeTimeGet4) DP Typ Time of deletion. Reference to _TimedFunc. It is managed by the archive. The time to be saved is stored in the interval part of this DPE (in seconds)
removeTimeSet DP Typ Set time
files2) transferred from archive at start and in case of changes
fileName dyn_string Array of all archive files (without path ), youngest first (0 = current)
state dyn_int Statuses of the single archive files (0 = online -1 = deleted)
compressionState dyn_int Compression states
startTime dyn_time Archive record starting times
endTime dyn_time Archive record end times
statistics Values are set only after setting the index
index uint Index in files.filename, which archive record should be queried (value can be written)
dpElementCount2) uint Number of DPEs in the archive record
dpElements2) dyn_dpid All the DPEs of this archive record
dpValues2) dyn_int the number of value entries for each DPE
size2) uint size of archive record


  1. can only be set when an archive is created, otherwise read-only

  2. read-only

  3. active beginning from the next archive start, read-only

  4. active beginning from the next archive record change, read-only