The stored data of the value history, which is available for WinCC OA, is saved in chronological sorted data sets. This is made clear by the directory names which are assigned automatically. In order to administer data sets you can register when the last change of a data set took place, whether data sets are swapped out or deleted etc.
The named functions are triggered by sending elements of an internal data point. The structure of the data point is defined via a data point type. There are 4 data points _AlertDataSet, _AlertDataSet2, _DataSet und _DataSet_ by default. *_2 are used for the redundancy case at a time. _AlertDataSet is used for the alert history and _DataSet for the value history.
Data point element | Type | Description |
List.StartTimes | dyn_time | There is a list for the internal administration of the data sets in WinCC OA. Information on the current state of the data sets can be queried from this list. Contains the times of the data set changes and the start times of all data sets in the database. The latest time corresponds to the change to the current data set (compare with DataSetChange) |
List.States | dyn_bit32 | Contains status information about all data sets in the database. 32 bits are available per a data set. The lower 16 bits are allocated for internal purposes and you cannot overwrite them permanently. You can, however, define the upper 16 bits. |
List.RemoveItems | time | |
List.Insert.Items | time | |
UserBit.Set | struc | |
UserBit.Clear | struc | |
Delete.Start | time | With the aid of this data point element the deletion of a data set from the database can be initiated and controlled. Deletes the data set whose start time is passed in this element. |
Delete.InProgress | bool |
Defines if a data set is deleted from the list or not. TRUE... Date set is deleted from the list. FALSE... No data set is deleted from the list. |
DeleteProcessingFrom | time | Defines the start time of the data set that was just deleted from the list. Is unequal to null if the value of the element "InProgress" is TRUE. |
Move.Start | time | With the aid of this data point element the moving of a data set from the database is initiated and controlled. Moves the data set whose start time is passed in this element. |
Move.InProgress | bool | |
Move.ProcessingFrom | time | |
Restore.Start | time | With the aid of this data point element a data set with an appropriate directory structure and naming is included in the internal list for administration of the data. Furthermore, a restore is used for importing once exported data into the database again. Adds the data set with the start time passed in this element into the list. The times belonging to this set may not overlap the times belonging to the remaining sets of the database. This condition is always fulfilled for data sets that were exported earlier. |
Restore.InProgress | bool |
Specifies if a data set is included into the list or not. TRUE... Data set is included into the list. FALSE... No data set is included into the list. |
Restore.ProcessingFrom | time | Specifies the start time of the data set that was just included to the list. Is unequal to null if the value of the element "InProgress" is TRUE. |
MoveToTmp.Start | time | |
MoveToTmp.InProgress | bool | |
MoveToTmp.ProcessingFrom | time | |
RestoreFromTmp.Start | time | |
RestoreFromTmp.InProgress | bool | |
RestoreFromTmp.ProcessingFrom | time |