Description of tables and views

The following section gives an overview of the tables used by the RDB Archive Manager and the default views created during installation.

Tables in the repository

A number of tables are created and used in addition to the tables presented in the description of functionality. They are responsible for proper operation of the archives, logging processes, and managing the various archive sets. Because these tables are really meant for internal use, they are not listed in the following breakdown. The main focus here is on the tables containing process values.

The primary keys of the various tables are highlighted. The tables that do not contain a screenshot, such as the table ALERTLASTVAL and EVENTLASTVAL are temporary tables and only used by the RDB manager.


This table contains all data point elements of the WinCC OA project including additional information.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID ID of the specific element. Calculated from the WinCC OA DP ID, the WinCC OA DP element ID, and the WinCC OA system ID. NUMBER(20)
SYS_ID Reference to the Systems table NUMBER(20)
EVENT 1 if it is an event element NUMBER(1)
ALERT 1 if it is an alert element NUMBER(1)

Complete DPE name of an element

e.g.: System1:ExampleDP1.val.LastLeaf

DPT_ID Reference to the DPT table NUMBER(20)
DP_ID Reference to the DP table NUMBER(20)
DPE_ID Reference to the DPE table NUMBER(20)
UNIT Unit of the DPE VARCHAR2(4000)
ALIAS The WinCC OA alias of the specific data point element. VARCHAR2(4000)
GROUP_NAME Group name of the DPE. VARCHAR2(4000)
COMMENT_ You can specify a comment (maximum 4000 characters) using this column. VARCHAR2(4000)
TYPE_ The type of element to which the alert handling is appended NUMBER(20)
Figure 1. ELEMENTS Table


This table contains all system names of the WinCC OA project.

Column Description Type
SYS_ID WinCC OA system ID NUMBER(20)
SYS_NAME Name of the system VARCHAR2(4000)
Figure 2. SYSTEMS Table


This table contains all configured data point types of the WinCC OA project.

Column Description Type
DPT_ID WinCC OA data point ID NUMBER(20)
DPTNAME Name of the data point type VARCHAR2(4000)
SYS_ID Reference to the Systems table NUMBER(20)
Figure 3. DPT table


This table contains all data points of the WinCC OA project.

Column Description Type
DP_ID WinCC OA data point ID NUMBER(20)
SYS_ID Reference to the Systems table NUMBER(20)
DPNAME Name of the data point VARCHAR2(4000)
Figure 4. DP table


This table contains all data point elements (name of the data point elements) of the WinCC OA project.

Column Description Type
SYS_ID Reference to the Systems table NUMBER(20)
DP_ID Reference to the DP table NUMBER(20)
DPENAME Name of the DPE VARCHAR2(4000)
Figure 5. DPE Table


This table contains the last value change of the data point elements that are allocated to this archive group by the archive config. Because several archive groups may exist, there may also be multiple LASTVAL tables. Only WinCC OA data types, which are not of the type "Array", may be allocated to this table.

A table called EVENTLASTVAL is created by default.

The individual columns of the table below contain WinCC OA configs. The configs describe the value. In the table below the attributes of the WinCC OA configs _original, _online and _corr are described. The links of the individual columns of the following table refer to the description of the attributes of the corresponding config. You can find a general description of the configs _original as well as _online in the chapter _original (Originalattribute)_original (Original attributes) and a general description of the topic correction value in the chapter Basic information on correction values and laboratory values.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "integer", "float" and "bool

STATUS The WinCC OA "_original.._status" attribute NUMBER(20)
MANAGER The WinCC OA "_original.._manager" attribute NUMBER(20)
USER_ The WinCC OA "_original.._user" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT The WinCC OA "_original.._text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"



This table / these tables contain all value changes of the <group>LASTVAL table. Thus, this is the actual archive. For information on archives and functionality of the RDB archiving, see chapter Functionality of the RDB archiving.

A table called EVENTHISTORY_<number> is created by default.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
BASE Last value (dregs) from the last backed-up time range NUMBER(1)
The rest of the columns are the same as in the <group>LASTVAL table.
Figure 6. EVENTHISTORY__<number> table
Figure 7. EVENTHISTORY_<number> -Table- Part2

If no correction values or replacement values were set, the columns as shown above, are empty.


This table contains the last value change of the data point elements that are allocated to this archive group by the archive config. These tables are used for all values that are of the "Array" type and thus contain the complete array of values of the data point element. The tables supplement the <group>LASTVAL tables. Since there can be multiple archive groups, there can also be multiple LASTVALVALUES tables.

A table called EVENTLASTVALVALUES is created by default.

The individual columns of the table below contain WinCC OA configs. The configs describe the value. In the table below the attributes of the WinCC OA configs _original, _online and _corr are described. The links of the individual columns of the following table refer to the description of the attributes of the corresponding config. You can find a general description of the configs _original as well as _online in the chapter _original (Originalattribute)_original (Original attributes) and a general description of the topic correction values in the chapter Basic information on correction values and laboratory values.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
POSITION The position of the specific entry in the array; starts at 0 NUMBER(20)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "dyn_string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "dyn_string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "dyn_string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "dyn_integer", "dyn_float" and "dyn_bool"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "dyn_integer", "dyn_float" and "dyn_bool"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "dyn_integer", "dyn_float" and "dyn_bool"


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "dyn_time"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "dyn_time"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "dyn_time"



This table / these tables contain all value changes of the <group>LASTVALVALUES table. Thus, this is the actual archive. These tables supplement the <group>HISTORY_<number> tables. For information on archives and functionality of the RDB archiving, see chapter Functionality of the RDB archiving.

A table called EVENTHISTORYVALUES_<number> is created by default.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
BASE Last value (dregs) from the last backed-up time range NUMBER(1)
The rest of the columns are the same as in the <group>LASTVALVALUES table.
Figure 8. EVENTHISTORYVALUES_<number> table - part1
Figure 9. EVENTHISTORYVALUES_<number> table - part2

If no correction values or replacement values were set, the columns as shown above, are empty.


This table contains the last alert change of the data point elements in the WinCC OA project with an (activated) alert handling and alert class. Only WinCC OA data types, but not of the "Array" type, may be allocated to this table.

The individual columns of the table below contain the WinCC OA configs. The configs describe the alert change. In the table below the attributes of the WinCC OA configs _alert_hdl (alert handling), _online and _corr are described.

The links in the individual columns of the following table refer to the description of the configs. You can find the a general description of the config _alert_hdl in the chapter Alert handling, basics, a general description of the config _online in the chapter _original (Original attributes) and a general description of the topic correction values in the chapter Basic information on correction values and laboratory values.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
ACK_STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_state" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_TIME The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_time" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_state" attribute NUMBER(20)

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "integer", "float" and "bool"

ABBR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._abbr" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ACK_TYPE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_type" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_USER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_user" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACKABLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ackable" attribute NUMBER(1)
ALERT_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
CLASS The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._class" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
COMMENT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._comment" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DEST The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest" attribute NUMBER(20)
DEST_TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest_text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DIRECTION The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._direction" attribute NUMBER(1)
INACT_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._inact_ack" attribute NUMBER(1)
PANEL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._panel" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
PARTN_IDX The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partn_idx" attribute NUMBER(20)
PARTNER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partner" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
PRIO The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._prior" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
SINGLE_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_ack" attribut NUMBER(1)
TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT0 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text0" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT1 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text1" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
VALUE_STRING The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute. Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table. VARCHAR2(4000)

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"

VISIBLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._visible" attribute NUMBER(1)
ALERT_FORE_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_fore_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALERT_FONT_STYLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_font_style" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DETAIL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._detail" attribute NUMBER(20)


This table / these tables contain all alert changes of the ALERTLASTVAL table. Thus, this is the actual alert archive. For information on archives and functionality of the RDB archiving, see chapter Functionality of the RDB archiving

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
BASE Last value (dregs) from the last backed-up time range NUMBER(1)
The rest of the columns are the same as in the ALERTLASTVAL table
Figure 10. ALERTHISTORY_<number> table
Figure 11. ALERTHISTORY_<number> table - part2
Figure 12. ALERTHISTORY_<number> table - part3
Figure 13. ALERTHISTORY_<number> table - part4


This table contains the last alert change of the data point elements in the WinCC OA project with an (activated) alert handling and alert class. This table is used for all values that are of the "Array" type and thus contains the complete array of values of the data point element. This table supplements the ALERTLASTVAL table.

The individual columns of the table below contain the WinCC OA configs. The configs describe the alert change. In the table below the attributes of the WinCC OA config _alert_hdl (alert handling) are described. The links in the individual columns of the following table refer to the description of the attributes of the alert_hdl config. You can find the a general description of the config _alert_hdl in the chapter Alert handling, basics

Column Description Type
Element_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
POSITION The position of the specific entry in the array; starts at 0 NUMBER(20)
ACK_STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_state" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_TIME The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_time" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_state" attribute NUMBER(20)

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "dyn_integer", "dyn_float" and "dyn_bool"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "dyn_string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "dyn_time"

CORRVALUE_DYNTIMESTAMP The WinCC OA "_corr_value" attribute is used for the WinCC OA data type "dyn_time". TIMESTAMP(9)


This table / these tables contain all alert changes of the ALERTLASTVALVALUES table. Thus, this is the actual alert archive. These tables supplement the ALERTHISTORY_<number> tables. For information on archives and functionality of the RDB archiving, see chapter Functionality of the RDB archiving

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Timestamp when the Manager received the value change from the Data Manager. TIMESTAMP(9)
BASE Last value (dregs) from the last backed-up time range NUMBER(1)
The rest of the columns are the same as in the ALERTLASTVALVALUES table


The database tables are created for each archive group as follows:

Each archive group has a table for single data types (int, float, string) and a table for dyn data types.

Single data is saved here:


Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID ID of the respective element. It is calculated from the WinCC OA DP ID, the WinCC OA DP Element ID and the WinCC OA System ID. NUMBER(25,0)
TS Time when an event was created e.g. by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
VALUE_NUMBER TheWinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute is used for theWinCC OAdata types "integer", "float" and "bool". NUMBER
STATUS The WinCC OA "_original.._status" attribute. NUMBER(20,0)
MANAGER NUMBER The WinCC OA "_original.._manager" attribute. NUMBER(20,0)
USER_ NUMBER The WinCC OA "_original.._user" attribute. (5,0)
SYS_ID Reference to table Systems. NUMBER(20,0)
BASE NUMBER Last value of the prior exported time range. (1,0)
TEXT TheWinCC OA "_original.._text" attribute. VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attibute

Is used if the data type of the DPE is string.


TheWinCC OA"_original.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "time".


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute.

Is used when the data type of the DPE is numerical.


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute.

Is used when the data type of the DPE is numerical.


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute.

Is used when the data type of the DPE is "string".

(4000 BYTE)

The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "time".


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "time".

Figure 14. EVENTHISTORY__<number> table
Figure 15. EVENTHISTORY__<number> table - part2

If no correction values or replacement values were set, the columns as shown above, are empty.

and Dyn Data is saved in the following table (for the screenshot, see Screenshot).


Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID ID of the respective element. It is calculated from the WinCC OA DP ID, the WinCC OA DP Element ID and the WinCC OA System ID. (25,0)
TS Time when an event was generated e.g. by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
POSITION Position within the dyn value. NUMBER(20,0)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Is used if the data type of the DPE is a numerical array.

SYS_ID Reference to the table "Systems". NUMBER(20,0)
BASE NUMBER(1,0) Last value of the exported time range. BASE NUMBER(1,0)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is a "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "dyn_time"


The WinCC_OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Is used when the data type of the DPE is a numerical array.


The WinCC_OA "_online.._value" attribute

Is used if the data type of the DPE is a numerical array


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value"-attribute

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "dyn_string".


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "dyn_time".


TheWinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute.

Is used if the data type of the DPE is "dyn_time".

VALTYPE Indicator whether an original value (null) or an online value (0) or a correction value (1) is set. NUMBER(1,0)

If the feature HDB/Raima -RDB Parallel is activated (the check box "Forward values to RDB" is checked), corresponding Oracle archive groups are created for the selected archives (except for ValueArchive0). These are called:

for ValueArchive_1: VA1HISTORY_xxxx and VA1HISTORYVALUES_xxxx

for ValueArchive_2: VA2HISTORY_xxxx and VA2HISTORYVALUES_xxxx


The following default views are available for external access (e.g.: with Crystal Reports). They contain the WinCC OA attributes that are typically of interest for queries. You can, of course, create your own views that allow custom groups of attributes.

Correction values are not queried directly from WinCC OA, but are formed with the aid of the information in Oracle.

'alert_hdl.._add_value_x' and 'alert_hdl.._add_values' may not be used in a same SELECT-Statement of a SQL query.

View_Event_History View_Event_Last_Val

These two views are essentially the same in structure. The only difference is that the View_Event_History references history values while the View_Event_Last_Val references current values.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(25,0)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
SYS_ID Reference to the Systems table NUMBER(20,0)
BASE Last value (dregs) from the last backed-up time range NUMBER(1,0)
POSITION Specifies the position of a specific entry if the DPE data type is one of the above arrays. NUMBER(20,0)
STATUS The WinCC OA "_original.._status" or _online_status attribute NUMBER(20)
TEXT The WinCC OA "_original.._text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
USER_ The WinCC OA "_original.._user" attribute NUMBER(20)
MANAGER The WinCC OA "_original.._manager" attribute NUMBER(20)

The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "string"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "string"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "string"


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "string"


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE_offline data type is numeric


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "time"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "time"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "time"


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "time"


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if th_corre DPE data type is "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_string"


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric array


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric array


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric array


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is numeric array


The WinCC OA "_original.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_time"


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_time"


The WinCC OA "_corr.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_time"


The WinCC OA "_offline.._value" attribute

Used if the DPE data type is "dyn_time"


View_Alert_History View_Alert_Last_Val

These two views are also essentially the same in structure. The only difference is that the View_Alert_History references history values while the View_Alert_Last_Val references current values.

Column Description Type
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table NUMBER(20)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
ACK_STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_state" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_TIME The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_time" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_state" attribute NUMBER(20)

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data types "integer", "float" and "bool"

CORRVALUE_NUMBER The WinCC OA _corr.._value attribute. Is used for the WinCC OA data types "integer", "float" and "bool". NUMBER
ABBR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._abbr" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ACK_TYPE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_type" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_USER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_user" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACKABLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ackable" attribute NUMBER(1)
ALERT_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
CLASS The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._class" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
COMMENT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._comment" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DEST The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest" attribute NUMBER(20)
DEST_TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest_text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DIRECTION The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._direction" attribute NUMBER(1)
INACT_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._inact_ack" attribute NUMBER(1)
PANEL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._panel" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
PARTN_IDX The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partn_idx" attribute NUMBER(20)
PARTNER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partner" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
PRIO The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._prior" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
SINGLE_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_ack" attribut NUMBER(1)
TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT0 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text0" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT1 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_text1" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)

The WinCC OA "_online_value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type and as a default for all data types not supported by this table.


The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"

VISIBLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._visible" attribute NUMBER(1)
ALERT_FORE_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_fore_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALERT_FONT_STYLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_font_style" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DETAIL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._detail" attribute NUMBER(20)


This view contains the attributes of the alert screen.

Column Description Type

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

is used for WinCC OA data types "integer", "float" and "bool".

ARCHIVE The WinCC OA attribute _archive. NUMBER
SINGLE_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_ack" attribute NUMBER(1)
BASE The last value of the period that was archived before. NUMBER(1)
INACT_ACK The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._inact_ack" attribute NUMBER(1)
DIRECTION The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._direction" attribute NUMBER(1)
VISIBLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._visible" attribute NUMBER(1)
ACKABLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ackable" attribute NUMBER(1)
TYPE_ Obsolete NUMBER(20)
DEST The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest" attribute NUMBER(20)
DP_ID Reference to the DP table. NUMBER(20)
STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._single_state" attribute NUMBER(20)
DPT_ID Reference to the DPT table. NUMBER(20)
VALUE_STATUS Status of the value that triggered the alert. NUMBER(20)
ACK_USER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_user" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_TYPE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_type" attribute NUMBER(20)
PARTN_IDX The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partn_idx" attribute NUMBER(20)
POSITION The position of the specific entry in the array; starts at 0 NUMBER(20)
SYS_ID Reference to the table systems. NUMBER(20)
DETAIL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._detail" attribute NUMBER(20)
ACK_STATE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_state" attribute NUMBER(20)
PRIO The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._prior" attribute NUMBER(20)
ELEMENT_ID Reference to the Elements table. NUMBER(25)
PARTNER The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._partner" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
ACK_TIME The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._ack_time" attribute TIMESTAMP(9)
TS Time when an alert was generated, for example, by a driver. TIMESTAMP(9)
SYSTEM_TIME Time when a value or an alert was received by the WinCC OA system. TIMESTAMP(9)

The WinCC OA "_online.._value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA data type "time"

ALERT_ID The WinCC OA "alert_hdl.._alert_id" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
CLASS The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._class" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALERT_FONT_STYLE The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_font_style" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALERT_FORE_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_fore_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)

The WinCC OA "_online_value" attribute

Used for the WinCC OA "string" data type.

TEXT1 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl..text1" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT0 The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl..text0" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
PANEL The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._panel" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
DEST_TEXT The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._dest_text" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
COMMENT_ The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._comment" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALERT_COLOR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._alert_color" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ABBR The WinCC OA "_alert_hdl.._abbr" attribute VARCHAR2(4000)
ALIAS The WinCC OA alias of the specific data point. VARCHAR2(4000)
ADD_VALUE An "Additional value" of an alert. For information on the "additional values", see chapter Alert handling, basics. VARCHAR2(4000)

Complete DPE name of an element

e.g.: System1:ExampleDP1.val.LastLeaf



The view is used if an ADD_VALUE_x (x = number) column is queried in a SELECT statement. Otherwise the view VALERTSCREEN is used. The view contains all ADD_VALUE values per row.

Column Description Type
ADD_VALUE_1 bis ADD_VALUE_32 The 32 "Additional values" of an alert. For information on the "additional values", see chapter Alert handling, basics. VARCHAR2(4000)


The are associated views per archive group available:

For each archive group there is:




The view <ARGROUP>HISTORY contains the single data of all ONLINE tablespaces of <ARGROUP>HISTORY_xxxx.

The view <ARGROUP>HISTORYVALUES contains the dyn data of all ONLINE tablespaces of <ARGROUP>HISTORYVALUES.

The view V<ARGROUP>SCREEN is a join of the HISTORY and HISTORYVALUES tables. The view contains all single and dyn data in chronologically ascending order. These are used, for example, for event screen queries.