Addressing of Data Point Elements / Configs / Attributes

In order to address an element of a data point through a script, you have to use a complete data point identifier. This is composed of several levels according to the device oriented structuring.

Furthermore, you can query a number of dynamic attributes and configuration in addition to the value for each element. Thereby, these are attributes of different configs (see also chapters Settings for a data point element, Addressing, Functionality for the device-oriented data object - configs).

System1: Datapoint.element_1...element_n:_config.detail._attribute

System1 ... Name of the WinCC OA system (for "distributed systems")

Datapoint ... name of the data point (= device name)

element_1 ... structure element(s) for grouping of information

element_n ... leaf element/element that bears a value

config ... config: configuration or processing specification

detail ... differentiation of ranges (for example alarm ranges)

attributes ... specific attribute for a config

In order to process the value of a data point element in Control, it is enough to enter the addressing up to the leaf element. It is not necessary to enter the config and attribute. You can also omit the refixed system name in case of an individual system.

A data point address (identifier) is regarded as a string in the control language. The string is passed in quotation marks or through a variable of type string.

When accessing a value of a data point by writing, the _original config will always be used. When you access a value of a data point by reading it, the _online config will be used. You do not have to consider this when using the shortened addressing. The functions handle this internally correct (without config/attribute).

Writing or reading access to the value (automatic short form)


Reading access to the value

System1:Drive04.state.speed:_online.._value [anytype]

Writing access to the value

System1:Drive04.state.speed:_original.._value [anytype]

Source time/ time stamp

System1:Drive04.state.speed:_online.._stime [time]


System1:Drive04.state.speed:_online.._status [bit32]

Causing user

System1:Drive04.state.speed:_online.._user [uint]

Change executing Managers

System1:Drive04.state.speed:_online.._manager [uint]

You can access the attributes of other configs regarding the addressing similarly - some examples should facilitate the introduction (the system name was omitted due to the use in the local system, the data types were put in parentheses).

Activation of the DPE

Drive04.state.speed:_original.._active [bool]

Validity of the value

Drive04.state.speed:_online.._bad [bool]

Correction value

Drive04.state.speed:_offline.._corr [bool]

Lower limitof the value range

Drive04.state.speed:_pv_range.._min [anytype]

Upper limit of the value range

Drive04.state.speed:_pv_range.._max [anytype]

Color of the current alarm range

Drive04.state.speed:_alert_hdl.._act_state_color [string]

The marking [anytype] does not mean that these attributes can be of every data type but that depending on other facts, several types are possible.

For more information on addressing, see the online help chapter addressing. The meaning of configs and other attributes is described in the online help on the page Data point configs, basics. For a full list of all configs, see chapter Data point configs.