Privacy Zones

In order to use private zones in WinCC OA, the parameter privacy is used for the camera configuration.

  • In WinCC OA in the Camera Configuration dialog: Addons > Video > Object Explorer > Camera > Configuration add
    under Parameter.
  • The parameter privacy must be created in WinCC OA. To do this, confirm the following dialog:
  • In the WinCC OA Configuration panel click on Apply and then confirm by clicking on OK to apply the changes.

Syntax and Pixel Resolution

The syntax for the privacy parameter is: privacy=<Width>,<Height>@<X Position>,<Y Position>.

These values are relative in percent, i.e. value 100 means full width/height. X-position and Y-position are relative to the upper left corner of the rectangle.

privacy=50,50@25,25 results in a rectangle that occupies 50% of the width and height and whose upper left corner sits at 25% - thus "centered" accordingly.

To define multiple zones, the areas are concatenated using +: privacy=20,20@20,20+20,20@60,60

If you want to change the appearance instead of the default pixelation, e.g. into coarser or finer pixel blocks, this can be appended as an additional value to the rectangle definition. In this case, the parameter is represented by an appended "R<n>", where values between 2 (coarse) and 64 (fine) are allowed for <n>.

Colored Areas

As an alternative to pixelation, it is also possible to configure full-surface privacy zones. In this case, the rectangle definition is extended by the parameter R0C followed by a color definition in hex notation.

For example: privacy=42.18,69.22@36.78,27.75R0Cff0000.