Example for RDB Configuration File

Down below is an example for a configured "RDB_config.sql" file which contains all necessary parameters for being used with the WinCC OA RDB manager. For a description of the available parameters see: Parameters for the Oracle DB Setup

-- $Author$ $Date$ $Revision$

prompt RDB Config: Defining RDB setup <<default>> parameters
prompt =========================================

-- Setup Parameters --

-- Config entries: Please adjust them according to your specific environment
-- Please enter all paths marked "(on DB server*)" with terminating slash or backslash! All given paths must already exist, they will not be created on the DB server!

-- config entries for standalone DB Server or the first node RAC cluster
define connect_identifier  = 'dbvisit1'      -- Connect Identifier (TNS Alias)
define sysdba_user      = 'SYS'             -- Sysdba User, e.g. sys or empty for OS-authentication
define yesno_newuser    = 'yes'              -- yes -> creates new schema/user; no -> no need for sysdba + uses existing user (provided with all the necessary grants) + all user objects will be recreated + all archives will be deleted
define schema_user      = 'RDB'              -- Name of new or existing User; schema user and application user must be different!!
define app_user     = 'APP'                  -- New PVSS Application User; schema user and application user must be different!!
define os_sys    = 'unix'                    -- Operating system on the DB server (win/unix)
define way_of_backup    = 'datapump'         -- way_of_backup (parameter was named formerly use_rman): 
-- Logical Backup (datapump) must be used for Container Databases. 
-- For conventional Database Operation Mode (without Pluggable Database ) valid entries:
--    a.) Logical Backup (datapump) - RECOMMENDED  
--    b.) Operating system (os) - FOR BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY ONLY 
define useModifiedTimestampFor2x2FWD = 'no'   -- if 2x2-redundancy or forward-to-center (fwd) will be used - this parameter must be set to 'yes' 
define zip_backup       = 'yes'               -- Zip Backups (yes/no)
define sequence_start      = 100000           -- Sequence Start, minimum 0
define sequence_maxvalue   = 199999           -- Sequence Maxvalue, up to 99.999.999
define path_oraclebin      = '/u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/'    -- Path Oracle-Bin (on DB server*), used for ForceDel on Windows and for path to Oracle executables on Unix
define instance_name    = 'dbvisit1'          -- SID Identifier of Database-Instance of standalone DB server or when RAC Cluster first Database-Instance SID1 on first node in cluster
define host_name    = 'oda01-0'               -- Host Name of the standalone DB Server or first node of RAC cluster
define path_backup      = '/u01/backup/WinCCOA/dbvisit1/'   -- Path Backup, backup path for backup archives (on DB server*) - must already exist
define mytimezone       = 'Europe/Vienna'     -- Local Time Zone (see v$timezone_names)
define asm_instance     = ''                  -- must be empty when not using ASM! SID Identifier for ASM-Instance of the standalone DB Server (usually +ASM, when ASM is used) or of the first node in RAC cluster,usually +ASM1
define service_name     = 'dbvpdb.etm-ag.com' -- Service Name, use SERVICE_NAME from TNSNAMES (use only Oracle SID if no service_name available, just in single instance case, normally not used anymore)
define number_db_storage   = 1                -- Default 1, cannot be changed because Oracle Dataguard is not supported anymore.
define path_asm_bin     = ''                  -- must be empty when not using ASM! Path ASM-Bin (on DB server*), used for Oracle executables used especially for the ASM functionalities 

-- Parameter for backwards compatibility if way_of_backup (formerly use_rman) (RMAN,OS) is used and if CONTAINER database mode is not used.
define path_dbfile      = ''                  -- Path Dbfile (on DB server*)
define path_tempdbfile     = ''               -- Path Tempdbfile (on DB server*)
define path_alert       = ''                  -- Path Alert, path of alertgrouptype-database-files (on DB server*) - must already exist
define path_event       = ''                  -- Path Event, path of eventgrouptype-database-files (on DB server*) - must already exist

-- config entries for the second node (in case of Oracle RAC cluster), leave it empty if there is none (if there are even more than two nodes, please use Site-Config-PVSS-Panel to enter the data)
define connect_identifier2 = ''               -- <TNS-Alias> Connect Identifier (TNS Alias) of the second node in RAC cluster, must be the same as for first node in Oracle RAC cluster
define instance_name2      = ''               -- <DBSID2> SID Identifier of Database-Instance of the second node in RAC cluster
define host_name2       = ''                  -- <Host2> Host Name of the second node in RAC cluster
define asm_instance2    = ''                  -- <ASMSID2> SID Identifier of ASM-Instance of the second node in RAC cluster, usually +ASM2
define service_name2    = ''                  -- <service-name> Service Name for the second node in RAC cluster, must the same as for the first node
-- config entries which are set to useful and recommended defaults
define use_occi     = 'yes'                   -- Using Oracle C++ Call Interface (yes/no) in order to perform bulk operations (instead of SQLAPI which does not support bulk operations) -> "writeWithBulk = 1"
define use_java     = 'yes'                   -- no -> using C-DLL, yes -> using Java code (recommended)
define sys_partitions      = 'no'             -- history tables can be partitioned on their sys_id, usually partitioning is not necessary, except there are many distributed systems
define extra_TempTS     = 'no'                -- creating an extra temporary tablespace for the schema user or using the system's default temporary tablespace (ATTENTION: if 'yes', then please also enter a value for <uniform_size>!)
define public_grants    = 'no'                -- creating public synonyms and grants (R_APP_PVSSRDB) -> schema user's objects which are available for the app user become public

-- expert config entries - no need to change these values - they are set to useful defaults
define type_float       = 'NUMBER'            -- type by which float values are represented, e.g. NUMBER or BINARY_DOUBLE or ...
define initial_size     = '500M'              -- default initial size for the datafiles of all RDB-tablespaces (schema, temporary and archive tablespaces), corresponding to the Oracle <size_clause> which is part of the <datafile_tempfile_spec>; see also "Oracle Database SQL Reference"
define next_size    = '64M'                   -- default extension size for the datafiles of all RDB-tablespaces, corresponding to the value in the Oracle <autoextend_clause>, which is part of the <datafile_tempfile_spec>, if empty (''), Oracle will extend the datafile only by the default blocksize; see also "Oracle Database SQL Reference"
define uniform_size     = ''                  -- default uniform size, corresponding to the value for the uniform size allocation in the Oracle <extent_management_clause>, must be empty ('') for AUTO ALLOCATE (which is Oracle Default); see also "Oracle Database SQL Reference"
define physical_attributes = ''               -- default physical_attributes_clause for tables (physical attributes) or indexes (physical_attrib_idx), corresponds 1:1 to Oracle's <physical_attributes_clause>, if empty (''), then Oracle will work with its defaults, ...
define physical_attrib_idx = ''               -- (continued from line above) ..., may be used to define some or all of the following: STORAGE_CLAUSE, PCT_FREE, INITRANS (info: tablespace has SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO); see also "Oracle Database SQL Reference"
define use_arc_idx_ts      = 'yes'            -- enable or disable index on TS, usually enabled (yes or no)
define threshold_append	   = 100           -- block size above which inserts are done with optimizer hint /*+APPEND*/, block size of 0 disables the append-optimizer-hint
--define storage_clause      = ''             -- obsolet since 6.2 -> default storage clause for tables etc. -> written to table ARC_CONFIG, default used to be '(INITIAL 10M MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED)', now empty -> Oracle manages storage
--define storage_clause_idx  = ''             -- obsolet since 6.2 -> default storage clause for indexes     -> written to table ARC_CONFIG, default used to be '(INITIAL 10M MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED)', now empty -> Oracle manages storage

-- config entries for control of setup or upgrades
define upgrade_sizeparams_override = 'no'     -- yes -> data taken from this file (RDB_config.sql), no -> existing configuration of ARC_CONFIG remains
define upgrade_alertlastval     = 'yes'       -- yes -> the alert lastval table will be deleted and recreated, risk of data loss during upgrade, no -> no recreation, risk of structure incompatibilities
define upgrade_eventlastval     = 'yes'       -- yes -> the event lastval table(s) will be deleted and recreated, risk of data loss during upgrade, no -> no recreation, risk of structure incompatibilities
define reset_cs          = 'no'               -- yes -> delete and recreate whole CS part, no -> leave tables and contents, recreate packages, etc.
define longTermStatCalcInt      = 24          -- is used for all compressions where the interval is greater than 24 HOURS. So each interval job for compressions with interval>24h is running f.e. once a day. 24=once a day, 12=twice a day and 1=every hour 

-- config entries for 2x2-redundancy or forward-to-center (fwd)
define whatpackage     = '2x2'                -- 2x2 redundancy (2x2) or forward-to-center-synchronization (fwd)
define connect_first   = '&connect_identifier'       -- first (=local) connect string (in this example taken from above)
define connect_second  = 'DUMMY_DISTANT_DB'   -- second (=distant) connect string
define whatinstall     = '3'                  -- install on first (1) or second site (2) or install on both sides (3)
define syncjob_intval  = 3                    -- interval of synchronization job in MINUTES (for J_SYNC2X2 or J_SYNCFWD)
define maxintval_len   = 60                   -- only for 2x2: maximum length of synchronization interval in SECONDS (to divide a large interval into smaller units to transmit them over the db-link)
define system_first    = 1                    -- only for 2x2: first system ID of first or local system to match the first system ID of second or distant system
define system_second   = 2                    -- only for 2x2: first system ID of second or distant system to match the first system ID of first or local system
define system_first2   = ''                   -- optional and only for 2x2: second system ID of first or local system to match the second system ID of second or distant system
define system_second2  = ''                   -- optional and only for 2x2: second system ID of second or distant system to match the second system ID of first or local system
define schema_user_second = '&schema_user'-- optional for fwd: if the user name of the second system is different than system one.

-- Index Organized tables
define IOT_enabled = 'yes'                    -- use of the Index Organized Tables instead of standard heap onesl
define compression_init_value = 'no'          -- no -> calculation of MIN/MAX/AVG uses only values which occurred within the calculated interval, yes -> calculation of MIN/MAX/AVG uses the last value from the previous interval as initial value
define validTimeDiff	= 300                 -- valid time difference between WinCC_OA and Oracle. It's used for ArchiveSwitching time 
define use_extended_oracle_types = 'no' 	  -- if f.e. max_string_size > 4000 should be used, an upgrade of the Oracle database itself will be necessary - please have a look at the ONLINE Help