Deployment Scenarios

The following chapters show the different deployment scenarios for the WinCC OA NGA.

CAUTION: You cannot combine the different architectures. If you want to do so, contact ETM. See chapter Contact Information
Note: Note that some components (e.g. different WinCC OA managers) were left out to increase the readability of the figures. In addition to the following deployment scenarios, there are also other combination possibilities. The deployments shown here are the officially supported ones.

Please note that the names of the backends and databases are for demonstration purpose only and do not reflect available options. ZeroMQ is the messaging component responsible for the communication between frontend (NGA manager) and the backend.

The scenarios that are possible with the different licensing packages are described under the specific scenario a package allows.

* In the scenarios of the following chapters: A rectangle with blue-gray background color represents a single computer.

Note: InfluxDB® serves as an example for the scenarios in the Deployment Scenario chapters. Aside from the redundancy, all databases work the same. The various redundancy scenarios can be found in the chapter Redundant Scenario.