Standard WinCC OA HTML pages

The HTTP Server includes several standard HTML pages that you can use, for example, as templates. They also contain examples of how to display data from the WinCC OA database in an HTML page.

See below for details on how to create your own HTML pages including WinCC OA data.

You need a browser to open the following pages. After installation, enter the name of the computer as the address. In order to open the following start-up page, enter, for example, the following address:


orif you are using a port number:


Chapter Description
Start-up screen of the HTTP Server: Start-up screen of the HTTP Server
Alert panel of the HTTP Server Standard HTML page for querying and displaying data such as the alert panel, with acknowledge function.
Event panel of the HTTP Server Standard HTML page that functions as the event panel.
Trouble-shooting the WinCC OA system in the HTTP Server Standard HTML page that allows you to diagnose the system
Detailed information on data point elements in the HTTP-Server Standard HTML page that displays details on any data point elements
Example of HTML references in the HTTP Server Standard HTML page explaining and providing examples of HTML references