Introduction to C# API

Due to the low number of available C++ developers and the huge increase of so called “modern” programming languages (such as .NET/C#) , the integration of .Net/C# into WinCC OA was in demand.

WinCC OA now provides a C# interface. The WinCC OA C# API is based on the WinCC OA C++ API.

You can write your own applications in the NET language and integrate your application into WinCC OA . You can use DotNET business logic code available on the market.

The C# applications can be used in redundant as well as single WinCC OA systems.

Via the C# programming interface you can:

  • query online values from WinCC OA data points.

  • change online values of WinCC OA data points.

  • query alerts via dpQuery

  • use dpConnect and dpDisconnect

  • query historical values of DPs

  • query historical alerts of DPs

  • create, delete and rename data points.

  • create, delete and modify CNS structure

  • get basic configuration information about the project (e.g.: port numbers)

  • get basic runtime information about the project (e.g.: project or system name)


The WinCC OA C# manager API can be used in a multithreaded environment. This means that the C# client application can use multiple threads to request and process data from WinCC OA. The communication with WinCC OA and the access to the DP Identifications is internally automatically serialized to one single communication thread.