Define DP(T) filter

The +DP(T)-filter button opens a panel for defining filters for data points or data point elements. You can select a data point type or data point (and a filter) using wildcards. Associated data points are displayed. Data type and the appropriate filter settings (for example, PUMP1, 1A*) are added to the group administration panel.

  • Internal data point types

    Selecting this option also displays the internal data point types in the combo box.

    Combo box with selectable data point types.

  • DP(E)-Filter

    Specify data points or identifiers using wildcards. After pressing ENTER to confirm, the existing data points matching the filter settings are displayed in the list.


    When defining an dp(e) filter, the following characters are not allowed: semi-colon ";", comma ",", right or left square brackets "[ ]", right or left curly brackets "{ }", blank space, question mark "?", backslash "\", percent sign "%", right or left brackets "( )" dollar symbol "$". Otherwise an error message is displayed.

  • OK

    Applies filter settings in the input box to the group definition panel and adds them to the list of filters.

  • Cancel

    Exits the panel.

  • Help

    Opens the description in the online help.

Example Description
Working with DP groups How to define a data point element filter.