Details on the S7Plus driver

This chapter describes possible debug levels and error codes of OMS+.

Debug levels

Use the command line options to recognize possible error causes during driver runtime. For further information on all other options, use - helpdbg (see also manager options).

Debug level Description
conn Returns detailed information on the connections
sym Returns information on browsing / resolving symbolic addresses.
subscr Returns information on subscription handling.
dirq Tracks performance of dpGetMaxAge calls.
tspp Returns additional information for the TSPP communication.

Error messages

The following table provides a list of error codes of the IOMS library. The error codes can be used by the driver and passed to the WinCC OA Log Viewer.

Error code Error message
1 IOMS library could not be loaded
2 Requested variable subscriptions count $1 is higher than available limit $2
3 Requested subscription count $1 is higher than available limit $2. Max. attribute count is $3
4 Pollgroup $1 failed to establish subscriptions and will use native polling until new reconnect instead
5 Ignoring poll request for Pollgroup $1 because last request did not finish yet
6 Different data types for address: $1
7 Illegal transformation type $1 in address $2
8 Subscription configuration inconsistent. Length of dyn var lists have to match.
9 Unsupported connection type $1 for connection $2
10 IP address for S7+ PLC is empty for connection $1
11 Redu IP address for S7+ PLC is empty for connection $1
12 Login to PLC for $1 failed with error $2
13 Add $1 command to $2 buffer failed, consider adapting config entry [$3], current value $4
14 Active connection for $1 (condition $2) switches from $3 to $4
15 Symbolic information changed during active connection.
16 Switch tag $1 cannot be resolved to HW address or is not of type Bool. Switch condition will therefore not work.
17 Query HWObject is null on index $1
18 Query failed for address $1, could not be resolved by symbolic. Aborting read request.
19 Write failed for address $1, could not be resolved by symbolic.
20 Unsupported transformation type $1 for address $2
21 Detected invalid Password for connection $1/$2
22 Download subscription for $1 failed with error $2
23 Download subscription for $1 failed with error $2. Normal polling will be used as fallback.
24 Unsupported TimeSyncMode $1
25 GetBranch element requires 2 items for a valid browse query (Request ID, Start node [, HMI relevance filters])
26 Browsing '$1' failed
27 Invalid TIA Portal export file - does not contain '$1'
28 Expected at least one Rack in a station, please check station $1
29 Only expected exactly one PLC in a station, please check station $1
30 Cannot get stations from TIA Portal export file
31 Cannot get TIA devices from TIA Portal export file
32 Cannot read TIA project name from TIA Portal export file
33 Skipping variable '$1' due to unhandled type
34 $1, $2, Execution of an OMS+ call has become asynchronous ($3)
35 $1, $2, The OMS+ service was ignored for various reasons ($3)
36 $1, $2, Incorrect password was used for legitimation ($3)
37 $1, $2, End of File reached ($3)
38 $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 2 ($3)
39 $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 3 ($3)
40 $1, $2, The used password was correct for legitimation level 1 ($3)
41 $1, $2, No free resources at the moment ($3)
42 $1, $2, Legitimation with the given password is currently disabled ($3)
43 $1, $2, End of blob reached ($3)
44 $1, $2, OMS+ has encountered a general error condition ($3)
45 $1, $2, The OMS+ Value has not the expected/pretended value type ($3)
46 $1, $2, At least one of the arguments has an unexpected value ($3)
47 $1, $2, There is not enough memory available to finish an OMS+ call ($3)
48 $1, $2, The addressed OMS+ object was not found ($3)
49 $1, $2, The addressed variable value cannot be delivered ($3)
50 $1, $2, The provided attribute identifier (AID) is invalid ($3)
51 $1, $2, Value out of range detected ($3)
52 $1, $2, OMS+ was not able to determine the root object of the object tree ($3)
53 $1, $2, Invalid association used ($3)
54 $1, $2, No valid callback interface found ($3)
55 $1, $2, Deletion is not allowed ($3)
56 $1, $2, Feature not implemented ($3)
57 $1, $2, Target PLC address is invalid ($3)
58 $1, $2, Service operation is not allowed currently (e.g. because a transaction is running) ($3)
59 $1, $2, Service is currently not available ($3)
60 $1, $2, Number of connections exceeds the allowed limit on the PLC ($3)
61 $1, $2, Number of arguments was not correct ($3)
62 $1, $2, One of the arguments has wrong value type ($3)
63 $1, $2, The worker thread is not running or did not accept the request (queue is full) ($3)
64 $1, $2, Service request was aborted ($3)
65 $1, $2, Error coming from an OMS+ state machine ($3)
66 $1, $2, OMS+ detected a null pointer ($3)
67 $1, $2, Version incompatibility detected ($3)
68 $1, $2, Error not coming from OMS+ ($3)
69 $1, $2, The integrity of the project is broken ($3)
70 $1, $2, The TypeInfo format is not supported ($3)
71 $1, $2, Unknown error code $3 ($4)
72 Cannot resolve symbolic address $1
73 $1, $2, An unspecified error happened while streaming ($3)
74 Error occurred while writing to address $1
75 Download alarm subscription for connection $1 failed with error $2
76 $1, $2, The server did not response within the time specified on the client session ($3)
77 Detected invalid address format in $1
78 $1, $2, The CRC value was incorrect for the accessed target ($3)
79 $1, $2, The value returned by an attribute read access was the default value for that attribute ($3)
80 $1, $2, More data needed to conclude the (parse) operation, but there is no more data available. ($3)
81 $1, $2, Execution would access buffer boundaries. ($3)
82 $1, $2, There was a typesafe access without a valid TypeInfo having been set for the OMS_TypeSafeBLOB. ($3)
83 $1, $2, There was an attempt to address a LID, that was not addressable. ($3)