Directory Structure
Each project is saved in its own directory structure in WinCC OA. The topmost level of this structure is theproject directory (proj_path). On the basis of the earlier created project, the different components of an application will be explained.

The single directories have the following task/meaning:
.../myGettingStarted - Project directory (installation directory)
.../bin - Executables and DLLs (mostly empty in the project)
.../colorDB - Color databases (ASCII based)
.../config - Configuration files (ASCII based)
.../data - File storage for Add-On's, Reporting, ...
.../db - Database(s) of the project
.../dplist - Target directory for the ASCII import/export of the configuration
.../help - Online help (as QT help)
.../images - Graphics parts of the process images
.../log - Log files (ASCII based)
.../msg - Translation files/ multilingualism ("message catalogs")
.../panels - Process images, Symbols, Dialogs ("Panels")
.../pictures - Graphic files/ Images
.../scripts - Scripts and Libraries of the internal programming language ("Contol")
.../source - Other source code (mostly empty)
Some sub directories have the same description like the sub directories of the installation directory. There is only the project relevant data located in the project directory. Therefore, the standard symbols and configuration dialogs of the product will, for example, be saved in the .../panels/ directory of the installation directory. Symbols and process images created in the course of the project are, however, located in the project directory shown above.