iframe Widget

The iframe widget can use a URL either from a connected data point or from the widget settings specified by the user. With this, the iframe widget can be used as a nested website within the Dashboard.

Figure 1. iframe Widget


If both (data point and settings) are set, the URL of the data point is used.

If the datapoint is set but returns an empty string or when the URL specified for the data point cannot be reached, the URL of the settings will be used as a fallback.

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Value Description
allowfullscreen true / false Set to true if you want to allow the website to use full screen mode within the widget. Enabling this will not run the widget in full screen mode, but will provide such an option for the website. For example, if you want to nest a YouTube video and make it run full screen, using true here would cause the video to go full screen to maximize it. Using false would cause the video be maximized in the space for the widget.
referrerpolicy - Specifies which referred information to send when fetching the iframe. For more information, see the Mozilla documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#attr-referrerpolicy.
sandbox -

Check the sandbox checkbox to enable the sandbox mode. This also allows you to use advanced sandbox options. If the sandbox is set to false, the iframe loses the sandbox attribute.

For more information, see the Mozilla documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#attr-sandbox.
src URL Specifies the fallback address of the document to embed in the <iframe>. NOTE: the URL of the data point always has priority over the settings if it is reachable.