Data point types and data points

The DBLogger uses the following internal data point types (DPT) and data points (DP):


Contains the parameter settings for the DBs used. The DP name is identical to the DB name. If an ODBC database is used, the DB name is the DSN name.

DPE Type Description
.DbName string Name of the database (including extension, if there is one)
.DbPath string Path to the file database (empty for ODBC databases)
.DbType string

Possible types:

MS SQL Server, Oracle

.DbUser string User name, defined in the DB (suitable authorization permissions required)
.DbPassword string User password, defined in the DB
.DbAlivePeriod int Time interval in seconds at which the table DBL_Alive is updated (see the function DBL_UpdateAliveSession in DBL.ctc)
.DbCommitPeriod int Time interval in seconds after which a commit is immediately executed (see the function DBL_CommitPeriodical in DBL.ctc)
.DbCommitCount int Number of DB write errors after which a commit is immediately executed (see the function DBL_CommitPeriodical in DBL.ctc)
.DbCommitThreadNumber int Number of the thread in which the DBL_CommitPeriodical function was started
.DbCommitReset bit Reset periodic commit (see the function DBL_ConnectCommitReset in DBL.ctc)
.DbAliveThreadNumber int Number of the thread in which the DBL_UpdateAliveSession function was started
.DbAliveReset bool Reset Alive mechanism (see the function DBL_ConnectAliveReset in DBL.ctc)
.DbWritePassive bool Defines whether the passive host writes in a DB in redundant systems.


Contains the parameter settings for the tables used. The DP name is created automatically from DB name + "_" + table name (defined during configuration).

DPE Type Description
.TableName string Name of the table
.TableType string Type of the table (only StandardHistory implemented at present)
.TableMaxLengthDpeName int Maximum length of the data point name / alias name in the table (Note: data points with longer names/aliases are not saved in the table).
.TableSystemNameDpe bit TRUE/FALSE: the DPE name/alias is saved with/without the system name in the table
.TableAlias bit TRUE/FALSE: the alias/DPE name is saved in the table
.TableOldDays int All data records older than the number of days given by TableOldDays are regularly deleted from the table (FIFO)
.TableFIFOThreadNumber int Thread number for FIFO
.TableFIFOAtHour int Time at which old data is deleted (FIFO)


contains the parameter settings for the archive groups used. The DP name is created automatically from the text "DBL_ArchiveGroup_" and a serial number.

DPE Type Description
.AgName string Name of the archive group
.AgDbName string Name of the destination database (DB data point name)
.AgTableName string Name of the destination table in the database
.AgDescription langString user-definable multi-lingual description of the archive group
.AgTransfer structure
.Mode int

Transfer mode:

1 = periodical (Periodical)

2 = TriggerDP-controlled (Trigger)

3 = event-controlled (Event)

.Period int

in seconds, used only for periodic data transfer

Predefined periods:

3, 10, 15, 30 minutes,

1, 6, 8, 12 hours,

1 day, 1 month, 1 year

.SyncTime time used only for periodic data transfer: sync time for periodic data transfer
.TriggerDPE string used only with the Trigger transfer mode: when this DPE undergoes a change, its value is checked for validity, and if the condition is met then the data points defined in AgItems (see below) are transferred.
.TriggerConditionOperator string

used only with the Trigger transfer mode: relational operators for checking the trigger data point

Possible operators: <,<=,==,>,>=,!=,OnEvent

.TriggerConditionValue string used only with the Trigger transfer mode: comparison value for checking the trigger data point
.TriggerSourceTime int used only with the Trigger transfer mode: 1 = time of the trigger, 2 = time of the DPEs, 3 = most recent, 4 = oldest DPE time
.Delay int used only for the periodic transfer mode: transfer delay in seconds after the period time is reached
.TimedFuncDp string used only for the periodic transfer mode: Name of the DP of type _TimedFunc, used in the periodic transfer mode
.AgActive bit Status of the archive group (AG), true = active
.AgThreadNumber int Number of the start thread for the AG
.AgItems dyn_string List of the DPs used in the AG (to be written to the DB)
.AgStatistic structure
.Reset bit not implemented yet
.TransferCounter int not implemented yet
.Period int not implemented yet
.MaxCount int not implemented yet


contains the parameter settings for the user-defined tables used. The DP name for tables of table type FlexTables is created automatically from "DBL_" + table type name.

DPE Type Description
.TableFieldName dyn_string Name of each column in the table
.TableFieldLength dyn_int Field length of the columns
.TableFieldType dyn_string Field data type
.TableFieldOrigin dyn_string Type ==1: DPE + Config + Attribute, Type ==0: Config + Attribute
.TableFieldIndexType dyn_int Column indexed/not indexed
.Type int 0 = StandardHistory, 1 = FlexTables
.TableDataReadMode int only for type ==1 relevant (0 = dpGet, 1 = dpGetAsynch)


used for enabling/disabling the archive groups (see the function DBL_ControlExitWorkFunction in DBL.ctc) and for stopping (restarting) the DBLogger archive groups (see the function DBL_ControlWorkFunction in DBL.ctc).

DPE Type Description
.AgName string Name of the archive group to be disabled/enabled
.AgActivate bool Switch for enabling/disabling the archive group specified in AgName
.ManType string for future use
.ManNum int for future use
.Exit int Switch for stopping (restarting) the DBLogger
.Error int for future use
.TableName string Name of the table for disabling/enabling FIFO
.TableFIFO bool Switch for disabling/enabling FIFO in the table
.ThreadTableName dyn_string List with thread names (for internal administration)
.ThreadNr dyn_int List with associated thread numbers (for internal administration)