KPI Wizard - Inspect

With the Inspect panel you can observe the state of your plant via the KPIs created via the KPI Wizard - Definition and KPI Wizard - Associate panels.

The different parts of the inspect panel as well as how to use the inspect panel are described in more detail in the following.

The following figure shows the Inspect panel:

Figure 1. KPI Wizard - Inspect panel

The panel consists of the following parts: Data point & Plant model View, KPI Instance View and KPI Instance Trend View

Data point & Plant model View

The PARA (data point view) shows the data points of the system. The plant model view displays the plant model tree. The buttons in the bottom bar allow you to switch between the PARA and plant module views and recalculate KPI instances:

Figure 2. Buttons

This button allows you to reload an instance. Note that the instance is only reloaded but not recalculated. In order to recalculate a KPI instance, select the instance from the KPI view and right-click on it. The "Recalculate KPI instance" option is shown. Select the option and the KPI is recalculated. Note that you only need this option if you selected the option "No trigger" in the Associate panel.

This button allows you to reload all KPI instances.

This button opens the PARA module

This button opens the plant model view

The Discrete Values check box is only available when a KPI Instance is based on the built-in ssc_predictCondition function and the KPI instance is selected in the inspect panel. The ssc_predictCondition calculates a system state based on the previously generated Random Forest model and the current values. The Discrete Values check box switches from a continuous view to a categorical view in the inspect panel. Note that the check box is only enabled when a statistical model is used for the KPI calculation.See chapter „Discrete Values” for an example.

KPI Instance View

In the KPI instance view you can monitor your KPIs as well as recalculate them.

Figure 3. Recalculate KPI instance

KPI Instance Trend View

The trend view shows the KPI selected from the KPI view, on the time axis. The functions such as "Go to now", "Go to ruler" etc. of the trend are available via a right-click on the trend area.

Figure 4. Trend View