KPI Framework, Basics

Advantages and Overview

The WinCC OA KPI Framework is a valuable asset to your SCADA system. It enhances the technical capabilities of your system. WinCC OA provides the KPI Framework (KPI - Key Performance Indicators).

This chapter gives you an overview of the KPI framework. The KPI framework allows you to define, configure and calculate KPIs. A KPI represents an indicator in your system. The "KPI Framework" contains the KPI Wizard and the KPI Control functions.

The KPI framework guarantees you high flexibility and maximum ease of use. You can customize your KPIs according to your field of expertise. The extensive solution allows you to define what you want to calculate. Via the KPI wizard you can:

  • create generic KPI definitions. The KPI definitions are not associated with data sources and can be reused once you have defined them.

  • associate KPIs with actual parameters meaning data points, constants or online values.

  • use the context search to roll out KPIs to large infrastructures.

  • Using the context search you can roll out the KPIs to be used for a specific data point type or a data point name pattern. Not only data points and data point types can be used but also the WinCC OA plant model. Via the plant model you can roll out KPIs to specific parts of your system, for example, only to the hall1 of your plant. The flexible roll out via the plant model increases user-friendliness and productivity.

  • compare the values of different KPIs and data pointsvia an overall overview.

  • configure the KPIs event-based. The change of a value triggers a KPI to be shown.

  • configure KPIs time-based. A KPI is triggered at a specific time via the timed function.

The SmartSCADA functions can be integrated into the KPI definition to identify areas for improvement toenhance effectiveness, to increase system performance and availability through decision support and to optimize your costs.

How to get started with the KPI framework - see chapter Requirements and Installation.