Internal data points of the IEC 61850 client


By default this internal data point type provides the three data points _IEC61850_Client1, _IEC61850_Client2 and _IEC61850_Client3 for manager numbers 1, 2 and 3. To start an IEC 61850 client with a manager number higher than 3 the necessary data point must be added manually.

Element Type Description
Config.IEDList dyn_string Contains a list of all devices served by this client instance.


This internal data point type contains information on the data points Command, State, Config, File Transfer, Online Browse, Offline Browse of each device. A data point for each created device is created under this data point element. The following data point elements are created for each data point of a device.

Element Type Description
Command.GQ boolean Initiate a General Query.
Command.BrowseOnline boolean Initiate the command to browse the connected device.
Command.FileTransfer.ReadDirectory boolean Initiate the command to read all file names from the directory stored at _IEC61850_IED.FileTransfer.SourcePath.
Command.FileTransfer.DownloadFile boolean Initiate the command to download the file selected by the user to the directory stored at _IEC61850_IED.FileTransfer.DestinationPath. The name of the file to be downloaded is defined by the value stored at IEC61850_IED.FileTransfer.SelectedFileName
State.ConnState unsigned integer

Stores the current connection state of the device, in case of device rundancy the overall connection state. Allowed values are:

  • Not connected (0) [default]
  • Connected (1)
  • General Query (3)
State.BrowseState unsigned integer

Stores the browse state of the device.

Allowed values are:

  • 0 - no data available (no valid browse result so far)
  • 1 - data read from configuration file (SCL)
  • 2 - data read from device
State.BrowseError unsigned integer

Stores the error code returned either from file or device browsing. Following allows are allowed:

  • 0 - NO_ERROR
  • 1 - BROWSE_ERROR_FILE - An error occurred during reading a configuration (SCL) file.
  • 2 - BROWSE_TIMEOUT_DRIVER - While browsing a device, the driver did not respond within the time defined by Engineering Tool > General settings > Device configuration > Timeout
  • 3 - BROWSE_TIMEOUT_DEVICE - While browsing a device, the device returned a timeout error.
  • 4 - BROWSING_TERMINATED - Exploring a device was terminated for any other reason (e.g. loss of connection)
State.DynDatasetsResponseCode integer Currently not in use
State.FileTransferResponseCode integer Stores the response code for read and download operations. The possible ResponseCodes can be found here.
State.IedHealth unsigned integer If a health tag is defined, this value calculated at IED level indicates the overall state of the primary IED. Only used when a redundant device is configured.
State.IsMaster boolean In case a switch tag is defined, this value is read from the IED and indicates if this IED is currently the master. Only used when a redundant device is configured.
Config.IPAddress string

Stores the IP address of the target device in the format:

<IP address>:<Port number>


If the port number is not set the default port number 102 will be used.

Only IPv4 addresses can be used!

Config.SCLFilePath string Stores the full path to a configuration file selected for offline browsing.
Config.Active boolean Stores the activation state of the connection to the target device.
Config.BrowseFile boolean Determines whether a file or a device shall be browsed.
Config.DrvNum integer Stores the driver number configured for this device.
Config.ConnectPassive boolean In a redundant system the value stored at this DPE determines whether the passive client establishes a connection to the device. In this case it also acquires values through polling. Default is false in a single system and True in a redundant system.
Config.Password string

Stores the password required for authentication. The password is stored in clear text.

Config.Authentication boolean Determines whether authentication shall be used.
Config.Location string Stores the assigned location name. The name may be assigned directly or be acquired through browsing. Used for the filtering function for the IED list.
Config.VoltageLevel string Stores the user-assigned voltage level. Used for the filtering function for the IED list.
Config.Type string Stores the user-assigned IED type. Used for the filtering function for the IED list.
Config.DynamicDatasetInfo.Datasets dynamic string Stores the names of the dynamic datasets created for this client.
Config.DynamicDatasetInfo.MembersList dynamic string Stores the dataset members for all dynamic datasets created for this client.
Config.DynamicDatasetInfo.DOAttributesList dynamic string Stores the elements for all dataset members.
Config.Client.PSEL string Stores the presentation selector value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.SSEL string Stores the session selector value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.TSEL string Stores the transport selector value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.APTitle string Stores the AP Title value for advanced communication in the format [0-9],[0-9],...,[0-9]. A maximum of 8 commas is allowed.
Config.Client.APInvokeID integer Stores the AP Invoke ID value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.AEQualifier integer Stores the AE Qualifier value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.AEInvokeID integer Stores the AE Invoke ID value for advanced communication.
Config.Client.UseTitleQualifier boolean Determines whether APTitle and AEQualifier shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
Config.Client.UseInvoke boolean Determines whether APInvokeID and AEInvokeID shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
Config.Server.PSEL string Stores the presentation selector value for the device.
Config.Server.SSEL string Stores the session selector value for the device.
Config.Server.TSEL string Stores transport selector value for the device.
Config.Server.APTitle string

Stores the AP Title in the format


A maximum of 8 commas is allowed.

Config.Server.APInvokeID integer Stores the AP Invoke ID value for the device.
Config.Server.AEQualifier integer Stores the AE Qualifier value for the device.
Config.Server.AEInvokeID integer Stores AE Invoke ID value for the device.
Config.Server.UseTitleQualifier boolean Determines whether APTitle and AEQualifier shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
Config.Server.UseInvoke boolean Determines whether APInvokeID and AEInvokeID shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
Config.BrowseTimeout unsigned integer This interval in seconds determines the timeout used for online browsing. [default = 30]
Config.ReadCompleteBuffer boolean

Determines whether on enabling a BRCB the complete buffer shall be retrieved.

[default: false]: Retrieve only the reports buffered during connection loss.

Config.ReportControlBlocks dynamic string Stores the list of RCBs initialized.
Config.DefaultReserveTms unsigned integer This interval determines for a BRCB the default value for ReserveTms in case 0 or -1 is acquired on browsing.
Config.ResvTmsDatatype unsigned integer This DPE is unused.
Config.ConnectionType unsigned integer

Determines the connection type. Allowed values are

  • 0: Single IED
  • 1: Redundant IEDs
Config.IEDName string The IED name of a single IED or of the primary partner of a redundant pair.
Config.APName string The access point name of a single IED or of the primary partner of a redundant pair.
Config.PassiveAcquireData bool This value determines if the passive client of a redundant system shall acquire data. Data can be acquired either through polling or unsolicited communication.
Config.Security.CaFilePath string File containing the certificates of the Certificate Authority (CA certificates).
Config.Security.CrlFilePath string Revocation List of the Certification Authority.
Config.Security.MmsCertPath string The Certificate for the MMS encryption.
Config.Security.MmsCommonName string The MMS common name.
Config.Security.MmsKeyFilePath string The Private Key for the MMS encryption.
Config.Security.MmsKeyPass string The passphrase for decrypting the Private Keys.
Config.Security.TlsCertPath string The Certificate for the TLS encryption.
Config.Security.TlsCommonName string The TLS common name.
Config.Security.TlsKeyFilePath string The Private Key for the TLS encryption.
Config.Security.TlsKeyPass string The passphrase for decrypting the Private Keys.
Config.Security.TlsRenegCout uint The maximum number of exchanged MMS messages, before the encryption of the connection is reverified. The default value is 100.
Config.Security.TlsRenegTimeout time The maximum time in seconds, before the encryption of the connection is reverified. The default value is 60 seconds.
Config.Security.Ciphers string The openSSL Cipher Suite String.
Config.Security.CaVerifyDepth uint The Depth of certificate chaining for Certificate Authority Files. The default value is 1. Allowed values are 0-99999.
Config.Security.TlsMethod uint Defines the Type of TLS encryption. This is given as an enumeration (TLSv1 = 0, TLSv1.1, SSLv2, SSLv3, SSLv2and3).
FileTransfer.SourcePath string Stores the path to the directory which DR files shall be retrieved.
FileTransfer.DestinationPath string Stores the path to the directory where DR files shall be stored.
FileTransfer.FileList dynamic string Stores the names of the files in the directory stored at _IEC61850_IED.FileTransfer.FileList. For downloading a selected file the source path will be added to the selected file name.
FileTransfer.SelectedFileName string Stores the name of the file selected for download.
BrowseResults.TagsList dynamic string Stores all tags read during browsing in the format <full path>|<IEC 61850 data type>
BrowseResults.DescriptionInfo dynamic string Stores the description information acquired during browsing for each tree node if such information is available.
BrowseResults.UnitsInfo dynamic string Stores the units information acquired during browsing for each tree node if such information is available.
BrowseResults.CDCInfo dynamic string Stores mapping information of data objects to CDCs.
BrowseResults.ScalingInfo dynamic string Stores information referring to scaling acquired during browsing for each tree node if such information is available.
BrowseResults.DatasetInfo.Datasets dynamic string Stores the names of the datasets in the format <Logical Device name>/<Logical Node>$<Dataset name>.
BrowseResults.DatasetInfo.Memberslist dynamic string

Stores the dataset members for each FC in the following formats:

  • FCD:

    <Dataset index>|<DO name 1>|<DO name 2>|…<DO name N>

  • FCDA:

    <Dataset index>|<DA name 1>|<DA name 2>|…<DA name N>

With Dataset index being the position of the dataset in the dynamic string stored at _IEC61850_IED.BrowseResults.DatasetInfo.Datasets

BrowseResults.DatasetsInfo.DOAttributesList dynamic string

Stores for each data set memer of FCD dataset its data attributes in the following format:

<Dataset index>|<DO index>|<DA name 1>|<DA name 2>|…<DA name N>

With Dataset index being the position of the dataset in the dynamic string stored at _IEC61850_IED.BrowseResults.DatasetInfo.Datasets. DO index is derived as follows: Get an element of the dynamic string stored at _IEC61850_IED.BrowseResults.DatasetInfo.MembersList and split it at at the pipe (“|”). Then DO index is the position in the resulting dynamic string

BrowseResults.ReportControlBlocks dynamic string Stores the names of the RCBs acquired during browsing.
BrowseResults.IECEdition string Stores the IEC edition as determined by the engineering tool.
BrowseResults.ResvTmsIsSigned boolean Determines if the server implements the attribute resvTms as signed or unsigned integer.
CtlModelInfo dynamic string

Stores for controllable objects the control model defined in the configuration file.

The list does not show all controllable objects available in the configuration file, only those, for which a control model has been defined.

Allowed values are:

  • status-only (0)
  • direct-with-normal-security (1)
  • sbo-with-normal-security (2)
  • direct-with-enhanced-security (3)
  • sbo-with-enhanced-security (4)
DeviceInfo.VendorName string Stores the vendor name of the device acquired by “identify” request.
DeviceInfo.ModelName string Stores the model name of the device acquired by “identify” request.
DeviceInfo.Revision string Stores the revision number of the device acquired by “identify” request.
Engineering.RcbConfig boolean

Determines if the client writes RCB configuration settings on enabling an RCB. If set to false, all following settings are overruled, i.e. considered as to be set to false.

Allowed values are:

  • 0: The client activates the RCB using the configuration defined in the device.
  • 1 (default): The client writes the configuration data defined in WinCC OA to the device and activates the RCB using this configuration.
Engineering.datSet boolean Shows if writing the data set attribute is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.rptID boolean Shows if writing report ID is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.optFields boolean Shows if writing the optional fields settings is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.bufTime boolean Shows if writing the buffer attribute is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.trgOps boolean Shows if writing the trigger options settings is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.intgPd boolean Shows if writing the integrity period is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.resvTms boolean Shows if writing the reserve Tms value is enabled. Defined by configuration in the SCL file, can be overwritten.
Engineering.EnforceRcbIndex boolean Shows if enforcing of an RCB indexing is enabled.
DeviceRedundancy.Command.Switchover unsigned integer

Triggers a switchover to the selected IED. Possible values are

  • 0: No switchover
  • 1: Switchover to primary IED
  • 2: Switchover to secondary IED
DeviceRedundancy.State.ActiveDevice unsigned integer

Shows which IED of the redundant pair is active and if a switchover was successful.

  • 0: Undefined
  • 1: Primary IED
  • 2: Secondary IED
  • 5: Primary IED, switchover to secondary IED failed
  • 6: Secondary IED, switchover to primary IED failed
  • 9: Primary IED, received switch tag values are in an invalid state
  • 10: Secondary IED, received switch tag values are in an invalid state
DeviceRedundancy.State.ConnStatePrimary unsigned integer

Current connection state of the primary IED.

Allowed values are the same as _IEC61850_IED.State.ConnState.

DeviceRedundancy.State.ConnStateSecondary unsigned integer

Current connection state of the secondary IED.

Allowed values are the same as _IEC61850_IED.State.ConnState.

DeviceRedundancy.Config.HealthTag string Address of the tag holding the IED health information.
DeviceRedundancy.Config.SwitchTag string Address of the switch tag.
DeviceRedundancy.Config.HealthTagInterval unsigned integer Interval in which the health tag is checked.
DeviceRedundancy.Config.SwitchTagInterval unsigned integer Interval in which the switch tag is checked.
DeviceRedundancy.Config.ConnectPrimary boolean Determines if the connection to the primary IED of a redundant pair shall be established. Default is true, connection shall be established.
DeviceRedundancy.Config.ConnectSecondary boolean Determines if the connection to the secondary IED of a redundant pair shall be established. Default is true, connection shall be established.
SecondaryDevice.State.ConfigRevision unsigned integer

Revision number of the RCB on the secondary device.

Note: There is only one set of configuration data for each RCB in WinCC OA. Yet, in case of device redundancy physically there are two different RCBs, one on each of the redundant partners. Since the engineering steps for these two devices might be different, also the revision number of the RCBs might be different.

SecondaryDevice.State.IedHealth unsigned integer If a health tag is defined, this value calculated at IED level indicates the overall state of the secondary IED. Only used when a redundant device is configured.
SecondaryDevice.State.IsMaster bool In case a switch tag is defined, this value is read from the IED and indicates if this IED is currently the master. Only used when a redundant device is configured.
SecondaryDevice.Config.IPAddress string

Stores the IP address of the secondary IED in the format:

<IP address>:<Port number>


If the port number is not set the default port number 102 will be used.

Only IPv4 addresses can be used!

SecondaryDevice.Config.Password string Stores the password required for authentication. The password is stored in clear text.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Authentication unsigned integer Determines whether authentication shall be used.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.PSEL string Stores the presentation selector value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.SSEL string Stores the session selector value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.TSEL string Stores transport selector value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.APTitle string

Stores the AP Title in the format


A maximum of 8 commas is allowed.

SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.APInvokeID int Stores the AP Invoke ID value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.AEQualifier int Stores the AE Qualifier value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.AEInvokeID int Stores AE Invoke ID value for the device.
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.UseTitleQualifier bool Determines whether APTitle and AEQualifier shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
SecondaryDevice.Config.Server.UseInvoke bool Determines whether APInvokeID and AEInvokeID shall be transmitted on establishing a connection. Default: TRUE
SecondaryDevice.Config.IEDName string IED name of the secondary IED.
SecondaryDevice.Config.APName string Access point name of the secondary IED.
SecondaryDevice.DeviceInfo.VendorName string Stores the vendor name of the secondary device acquired by “identify” request.
SecondaryDevice.DeviceInfo.ModelName string Stores the model name of the secondary device acquired by “identify” request.
SecondaryDevice.DeviceInfo.Revision string Stores the revision number of the secondary device acquired by “identify” request.


This internal data point type creates the data points for all available RCBs in the device. The following data point elements store information related to the RCB :

Element Type Description
Command.PurgeBuffer boolean Issue the command to empty the buffer of a BRCB, the BRCB must be disabled.
Command.GI boolean Initiate General Interrogation (retrieve all values), the RCB must be active.
Command.UpdateSettings boolean Issue the command to retrieve the configuration settings of the RCB. This DPE is only used for the initialization.
State.RCBState unsigned integer The current state of the RCB, see RCB States
State.ResponseCode unsigned integer Stores the response code.for RCB operations received from the device.
State.OverflowTimeStamp time Time stamp of the last BRCB received with overflow flag set to true; to be cleared by user.
State.ConfigRevision unsigned integer The current configuration revision number.
State.IsInitialized boolean
Config.ReportID string Trivial name of the report
Config.ReportEnable boolean Determines whether the RCB shall be enabled when a connection to the device is established.
Config.DataSetName string Determines the name of the dataset the RCB shall use.
Config.IntegrityPeriod unsigned integer This interval in Milliseconds determines the time interval reports are generated in case of cyclic transmission, a value of 0 indicates no cyclic transmission.
Config.BufferTime unsigned integer This interval determines the time in Milliseconds values are buffered at the device before a report is generated
Config.Reserve boolean Determines whether a URCB is reserved for this client.
Config.ReserveTms integer

This interval determines the time in Seconds a BRCB is reserved for this client after losing the connection to the device. Allowed values are:

  • Not reserved (0)
  • Reserved (1 … 32,767) – Reserve time in seconds
  • Preassigned (-1) - Exclusively reserved for this client (only written by configuration).
Config.OptionalFields bit32

Optional fields setting defined by the user.

If the bit is set, the respective optional field is enabled, otherwise disabled.

  • Bit 0: Sequence Number
  • Bit 1: Report Timestamp
  • Bit 2: Reason for Inclusion
  • Bit 3: Dataset
  • Bit 4: Data Reference
  • Bit 5: Buffer Overflow
  • Bit 6: EntryID
  • Bit 7: Configuration Revision
  • Bit 8: Segmentation
Config.TriggerOptions bit32

Trigger options defined by the user.

If the bit is set, the respective trigger option is enabled, otherwise disabled.

  • Bit 0: Sequence Number
  • Bit 1: Report Timestamp
  • Bit 2: Reason for Inclusion
  • Bit 3: Dataset
  • Bit 4: Data Reference
  • Bit 5: Buffer Overflow
  • Bit 6: EntryID
  • Bit 7: Configuration Revision
  • Bit 8: Segmentation
RCBInfo.ConfigRevision unsigned integer Revision number of the RCB defined by third-party engineering tool, e.g. DIGSI
RCBInfo.SequenceNumber unsigned integer Consecutive number incremented by every report received, restarts at zero on wrap around and when the RCB is enabled (written if respective optional field is set to true).
RCBInfo.EntryID string Unique ID of the last report received (written if respective optional field is set to true).
RCBInfo.TimeOfEntry time Time stamp of the last BRCB received; if transmitting this information is supported by the target device this is the time when the report was generated at device level otherwise the time stamp is set by the client (written if respective optional field is set to true).
RCBInfo.Buffered boolean Indicates if the RCB is buffered or unbuffered.
RCBInfo.MaxReportEnable unsigned integer The maximum number of instances of this RCB allowed.
RCBInfo.Dataset string Name of the dataset used by the RCB (written if respective optional field is set to true).
RCBInfo.DataReference dynamic string Name of the dataset members included in the report received (written if respective optional field is set to true)
RCBInfo.ReasonForInclusion string The reason (trigger condition) why the report was generated (written if respective optional field is set to true).
RCBInfo.Indexed boolean Indicates if it is an indexed RCB or not.
BrowsedConfig.ReportID string Trivial name of the report
BrowsedConfig.DataSetName string Determines the name of the dataset the RCB shall use.
BrowsedConfig.IntegrityPeriod unsigned integer This interval in Milliseconds determines the time interval reports are generated in case of cyclic transmission, a value of 0 indicates no cyclic transmission.
BrowsedConfig.BufferTime unsigned integer This interval determines the time in Milliseconds values are buffered at the device before a report is generated
BrowsedConfig.Reserve boolean Determines whether a URCB is reserved for this client.
BrowsedConfig.ReserveTms integer

This interval determines the time in Seconds a BRCB is reserved for this client after losing the connection to the device. Allowed values are:

  • Not reserved (0)
  • Reserved (1 … 32,767) – Reserve time in seconds
  • Preassigned (-1) - Exclusively reserved for this client (only written by configuration).
BrowsedConfig.OptionalFields bit32

Optional fields setting read from configuration file.

If the bit is set, the respective optional field is enabled, otherwise disabled.

  • Bit 0: Sequence Number
  • Bit 1: Report Timestamp
  • Bit 2: Reason for Inclusion
  • Bit 3: Dataset
  • Bit 4: Data Reference
  • Bit 5: Buffer Overflow
  • Bit 6: EntryID
  • Bit 7: Configuration Revision
  • Bit 8: Segmentation
BrowsedConfig.TriggerOptions bit32

Trigger options read from configuration file.

If the bit is set, the respective trigger option is enabled, otherwise disabled

  • Bit 0: Data Change
  • Bit 1: Quality Change
  • Bit 2: Data Update
  • Bit 3: Integrity
  • Bit 4: General Interrogation