Requirements and installation


  • Correctly installed WinCC OA version.

  • The IEC 61850 client requires a valid license (the driver cannot be started in the demo mode)

  • Time synchronization unit (e.g. SNTP server) to synchronize WinCC OA server and IEDs

  • Information on the capabilities of an IED can be found in the user manual and the Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing ( PIXIT ) document of the IED . Please refer to these documents for configuring the WinCC OA IEC 61850 client.

The IEC 61850 standard is an open standard which addresses interoperability (not interchangeability) between components of a substation. Care must be taken if an IED of a specific make is substituted with different one.

For information on the supported platforms for the WinCC OA IEC 61850 client, see the "supported platforms of the most important drivers" page in the WinCC OA Online Help.


A standard installation of WinCC OA is required for using the WinCC OA IEC 61850 client.