Starting backup of the project

This backup type saves your project directory (\db and \log are not included in the backup). Additionally an ASCII export of your data point types, data points, aliases, original values and config entries is performed.


A backup of the project only needs to be carried out after acceptance of the project or in the event of changes to configuration.

The CONTROL manager with the script list pvss_scripts.lst must run in order to make a backup.

Figure: Configuration Tab

  1. Click the Configuration tab.

  2. Click Start backup, to start manual copying.

  3. The message "ASCII output started - please wait!" is displayed in the info line.

This part does not work time-controlled.

If there is no more space left on the medium during the backup, then the backup will be broken up and the error message "Medium is full." will be displayed in the info line.

Select Close to leave the panel. Select Help to open this page of the online help.

The specified target directory contains all the project folders that contain data as well as empty ones. Files named <backup_full_project_YYYYMMDDHHMM.txt> (for example, backup_full_test_200006131250) These empty files only indicate the date and time allowing to determine the time of backup. They are only for information and do not contain any data.