Alert list

The notification list can be extended by alert instructions. These have to be "put in" between the alerts at the desired position.

An alert line has a fixed format of n columns. For identification an alert line begins with -66. Followed by the name of the address object and the alert ID and the specification of the wait time in seconds and milliseconds after this line. The sixth column specifies the action to be executed (CAME, WENT, ACK, UPD). The further columns depend on the executed action.

For CAME (C) the alert class has to be specified. The comment input is automatically "SIMULATOR GENERATED“. The clock time is also set by the simulator. A trigger value can be set in the next both columns, the coding is the same as for the notification list in the columns 3 and 4 (no arrays!). The last four columns contain the additional values 1-4. In the simulator these values are mapped to text variables.

For WENT (W) the alert ID of the CAME event has to be specified. Furthermore, four columns with additional values can be defined.

For ACK (A) nor further parameter has to be specified.

For UPD (U) the alert additional values 1-4 are specified.

Optional for C, W and A a fix time can be passed as last parameter (format: "YYYY.MM.DD;HH:MM:SS.mmm"), which then is sent as "peripheral time" to the Event manager. In the case of C and W, it is assumed that all the previous four monitoring values are given.

The table entries look like follows:

-66 PeriphAddr Alert ID s ms C AlertClass i/f/b/t Value EscVal1 EscVal2 EscVal2 EscVal4 PeriphTime
W AlertID-C EscVal1 EscVal2 EscVal2 EscVal4 PeriphTime
A PeriphTime
U EscVal1 EscVal2 EscVal2 EscVal4

The additional values have the following definition:

  • value

  • alert text

  • priority

  • quality code

An active _alert_hdl config is necessary for the data point element with the appropriate peripheral address.