Periphery list

The periphery list defines which element in WinCC OA is connected to which block of the driver. The key for the connection is the name of the periphery object that is also saved in the _address.._reference attribute. This list is always at the beginning of the simulation file (first block).

The list consists of two columns: object type and object name.

The object name identifies a peripheral address. It can be made up of any alphanumeric character string, but must not contain any spaces.

The object type specifies a particular value set. The value, which is sent to the associated peripheral address, must be an element from the value set for the type.

Valid types are:

  • 1 = bit,

  • 4 = int32

  • 7 = uint32

  • 8 = float and

  • 9 = visibleString256

In addition, an alert HWObject can be created using the type 0.

At the start of the file the object data types are defined after a white space. Data type definitions and variable names are themselves separated by a white space. Each object must be declared in a separate line.

The periphery list must be terminated by a line containing just the number -99 after a white space.


Declaration of the objects (peripheral addresses) a1 (to which int32 values can be sent), a2 (to which float values can be sent), a3 (to which bit values can be sent), a4 (to which string values can be sent) and alert (can take alert values).

#object type object name

4 a1

8 a2

1 a3

9 a4
