Ethernet/IP driver details

Debug levels

The following can be used to select which types of debug information are sent to the log viewer:

Debug Level (-dbg) Description
2 Informs about the driver operation in detail. It is recommended to set this option only when the driver load is low in order not to affect the time performance of the driver.
10 Displays detailed information from the EIP protocol stack.
11 Displays detailed information about poll-group blocks.
25 If you suspect that a polling request has lost its message, this option can be used to show information about matching received data to corresponding data points.
26 Displays queue activity and counts.
27 Periodically displays throughput statistics (total value-changes per second).
-reportAll Displays summary information about all configured PLCs and poll groups.

Data Types – Logix PLCs

File Type Description Transformation
BOOL 1 bit bit
SINT 1 byte (unsigned) char
INT 2 byte integer (signed)



bit in word (if bit suffix)

DINT 4 byte integer (signed)



bit in dword (if bit suffix)

REAL 4 byte float Float32 (real)
BITARRAY Array of 4 byte elements (32 bit for each element) bit in dword

82 byte string and 2 byte length

NOTE: User defined strings with a length greater than 82 bytes are not supported.

Writing strings with more than 82 bytes will be truncated.

Others Structures consist of combinations of the types above

blob (to read whole structure)

Any of the transformations above (for elements of the structure)

Data Types - Omron PLCs

FileType Description Transformation
BOOL 1 bit bit
INT 2 byte integer (signed) int16 uint16 bit in word (if bit suffix)
DINT 4 byte integer (signed) int32 uint32 bit in dword (if bit suffix)
REAL 4 byte float float32 (real)
WORD Array of 2 byte elements (16 bit for each element) read only bit in word
DWORD Array of 4 byte elements (32 bit for each element) read only bit in dword
STRING max. 40 characters string
LREAL 8 byte float float64 (double)
CHANNEL (Character) 16-bit to 2 chars raw text
Channel (Character) array Array of 2 byte (16-bit to 2 chars) elements raw text array to string

Data Types – PCCC-based PLCs file-types

File-Type Description Transforms
N 2-byte Integer Int16 UInt16 Bit in word (if .bit suffix)
F 4-byte float Float
S Status bits in array of 2-byte integers Bit in word
B Binary bits in array of 2-byte integers Bit in word
O Output bits in array of 2-byte integers Bit in word
I Input bits in array of 2-byte integers Bit in word
A ASCII – 2 chars per element (not available in MicroLogix) Char
ST String: 2-byte length + 82 character text String
T Timer structure: 6 bytes Blob (or individual fields as below)
C Counter structure: 6 bytes Blob (or individual fields as below)
R Control structure: 6 bytes Blob (or individual fields as below)
SC PLC5 Sequential Function structure: 6 bytes Blob (or individual fields as below)
PD PLC5 PID structure: 100 bytes Blob (or individual fields as below)

Data Types – PCCC-based PLCs, Structure sub-elements

File Type Subelement Description Transformation Writeable
T EN Enable bit bit in word N
T TT Timing bit bit in word N
T DN Done bit bit in word N
T PRE Preset value: 2 byte Integer

int16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

T ACC Accumulated value. 2 byte integer

int 16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

File Type Subelement Description Transformation Writeable
C CU Count-up bit bit in word N
C CD Count-down bit bit in word N
C DN Done bit bit in word N
C OV Overflow bit bit in word N
C UN Underflow bit bit in word N
C UA Update Accumulator bit bit in word N
C PRE Preset value: 2 byte Integer

int16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

C ACC Accumulated value. 2 byte integer

int 16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

File Type Subelement Description Transformation Writeable
R EN Enable bit bit in word N
R EU Enable unloading bit bit in word N
R DN Done bit bit in word N
R EM Empty bit bit in word N
R ER Error bit bit in word N
R UL Unload bit bit in word N
R IN Inhibit bit bit in word N
R FD Found bit bit in word N
R LEN Length value: 2 byte Integer

int16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

R POS Position: 2 byte Integer

int16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

File Type Subelement Description Transformation Writeable
SC SA Scan active bit bit in word N
SC FS First scan bit bit in word N
SC LS Last scan bit bit in word N
SC OV overflow bit bit in word N
SC ER Error bit bit in word N
SC DN Done bit bit in word N
SC PRE Preset value: 2 byte Integer

int16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

SC TIM Active time. 2 byte integer

int 16, uint16

bit in word (if bit suffix)

File-Type Sub-Element Description Transforms Writeable
PD EN Enable bit bit in word Y
PD CT Cascaded Type bit bit in word N
PD CL Cascaded Loop bit bit in word N
PD PVT PV Tracking bit bit in word N
PD DO Derivative Of bit bit in word N
PD SWM Software A/M Mode bit bit in word Y
PD CA Control Action bit bit in word N
PD MO Station A/M Mode bit bit in word Y
PD PE PID Equation Type bit bit in word N
PD INI PID Initiated bit bit in word N
PD SPOR SP Out Of Range bit bit in word N
PD OLL Output Limit Low bit bit in word N
PD OLH Output Limit High bit bit in word N
PD EWD Error Within Deadband bit bit in word N
PD DVNA Deviation High Alarm bit bit in word N
PD DVPA Deviation Low Alarm bit bit in word N
PD PVLA PV Low Alarm bit bit in word N
PD PVHA PV High Alarm bit bit in word N
PD SP Setpoint:4byte float float32 Y
PD KP Proportional Gain:4byte float float32 Y
PD KI Integral Gain:4byte float float32 Y
PD KD Derivative Time:4byte float float32 Y
PD BIAS Output Bias %:4byte float float32 Y
PD MAXS Setpoint Scaled Max:4byte float float32 Y
PD MINS Setpoint Scaled Min:4byte float float32 Y
PD DB Deadband:4byte float float32 Y
PD SO Set Output %:4byte float float32 Y
PD MAXO Output Limit High %:4byte float float32 Y
PD MINO Output Limit Low %:4byte float float32 Y
PD UPD Update Time:4byte float float32 Y
PD PV Process Variable:4byte float float32 Y
PD ERR Error:4byte float float32 Y
PD OUT Output %:4byte float float32 Y
PD PVH PV Alarm High:4byte float float32 Y
PD PVL PV Alarm Low:4byte float float32 Y
PD DVP Deviation Alarm +:4byte float float32 Y
PD DVN Deviation Alarm -:4byte float float32 Y
PD PVDB PV Alarm Deadband:4byte float float32 Y
PD DVDB Deviation Alarm Deadband:4byte float float32 Y
PD MAXI Input Range Maximum:4byte float float32 Y
PD MINI Input Range Minimum:4byte float float32 Y
PD TIE Tieback %:4byte float float32 Y

Error codes – basic error state

Error Code State
0 OK
1 Driver internal
2 Failed to connect
3 Queue overflow - occurs when the output queue for a given PLC has reached maxQueueSize entries.
4 Decoding error - occurs when a received response from the PLC cannot be processed due to error. This can be a response with no matching request, a response with an unexpected error status, a response with an unexpected number of tags or an unexpected request type.

Error codes – extended error state

Error Code State
0 OK
-1 Server Handle Invalid or Not Connected
-2 Message Already in Progress to this destination
-3 Tag Count Exceeds Max Allowed
-4 Tag Configuration Pointer is Invalid
-5 Tag Format is Invalid or Too Large for a Single Message
-6 Timeout value is too small
-7 PLC type Invalid
-8 Connection already open or in progress
-20 Invalid PCCC reply
-21 Reply data size shorter than minimum
-22 Invalid requestor-id size
-23 Invalid vendor-id
-24 Serial number mismatch
-25 Command code mismatch
-27 Transaction-id mismatch
1 Connection Failure
2 Insufficient resources
3 Value invalid
4 Malformed tag name or tag does not exist
5 Unknown destination
6 Data requested would not fit in response packet
7 Loss of Connection
8 Unsupported service
9 Error in data segment or invalid attribute value
10 Attribute list error
11 State already exists
12 Object model conflict
13 Object already exists
14 Attribute not settable
15 Permission denied
16 Device state conflict
17 Reply too large
18 Fragment primitive
19 Insufficient command data or parameters specified to execute service
20 Attribute not supported
21 Too much data specified
26 Bridge request too large
27 Bridge response too large
28 Attribute list shortage
29 Invalid attribute list
30 Invalid tag or data type
31 Failure during connection
34 Invalid received
35 Key segment error
37 Number of IOI words specified does not match IOI word count
38 Unexpected attribute in list
255 CIP General Error
61441 A field has an illegal value
61442 Less levels specified in address than minimum
61443 More levels specifed in address than system supports
61444 Symbol not found
61445 Symbol is of improper format
61446 Address doesn't point to something usable
61447 File is wrong size
61448 Cannot complete request, situation changed
61449 Data or file is too large
61450 Transaction size plus word address too large
61451 Access denied, improper privilege
61452 Condition cannot be renerated - resource unavailable
61453 Condition already exists
61454 Command cannot be executed
61455 Histogram overflow
61456 No access
61457 Illegal data type
61458 Invalid parameter or invalid data
61459 Address reference exists to deleted data
61460 Cmd execution failure for unknown reason
61461 Data conversion error
61462 Scanner not able to communicate with 1771 rack adapter
61463 Type mismatch
61464 1771 module response invalid
61465 Duplicated label
61466 File is open by another node
61467 Another node is the program owner
61468 Data table element protection violation
61471 Temporary internal problem
61474 Remote rack fault
61475 Remote I/O Timeout
61476 Remote I/O Unknown error
65792 Connection Failure - Connection in use
65795 Connection Failure - Transport not supported
65798 Connection Failure - Ownership conflict
65799 Connection Failure - Connection not found
65800 Connection Failure - Invalid connection type
65801 Connection Failure - Invalid connection size
65808 Connection Failure - Module not configured
65809 Connection Failure - ERP not supported
65812 Connection Failure - Wrong Module
65813 Connection Failure - Wrong Device Type
65814 Connection Failure - Wrong Revision
65816 Connection Failure - Invalid configuration format
65818 Connection Failure - Application out of connections
66051 Connection Failure - Connection timeout
66052 Connection Failure - Unconnected message timeout
66053 Connection Failure - Unconnected send parameter error
66054 Connection Failure - Message too large
66305 Connection Failure - No buffer memory
66306 Connection Failure - Bandwidth no available
66307 Connection Failure - No screeners available
66309 Connection Failure - Signature match
66321 Connection Failure - Port not available
66322 Connection Failure - Link address not available
66325 Connection Failure - Invalid segment type
66327 Connection Failure - Connection no scheduled
66328 Connection Failure - Link address to self is invalid
2032131 Failure during connection - Connection timed out
16720132 The beginning offset was beyond the end of the template.
16720133 Attempt to access beyond the end of the data object.
16720134 Object data in use
16720135 The type does not match the data type of the data object.