Multiselection at run time

Multiple selection of primitives at run time

  • New panel attribute "Runtime Selection" to turn on (default = off). The option to activate the selection of primitive shapes in a vision module.

  • New primitive shape attribute: "selectable" (change in Gedi only). Defines whether a shape is selectable at runtime.

  • New primitive shape attribute: "selected" (CTRL read or write) state of selection. Only changeable if the shape is selectable.

  • New primitive shape event: "SelectionChanged". This is triggered whenever the "selected" state of a shape changes, either interactively by the user selecting the shape or by the CTRL programmer setting the "selected" attribute programmatically.

  • New shape attribute (CTRL read only): "shapeType". Returns a string specific to the type of shape.

Here the complete list:

































EWOs show their own special type name. This shapeType will also be displayed in the GEDI status bar when this shape has been selected.

  • New CTRL Function:

dyn_string getShapes(string moduleName = myModuleName(),

string panelName = myPanelName(),

string attribute = "selected",

 anytype value = true)

This function returns a list of shape names (or RefName.ShapeName when a shape is inside a PanelRef) chosen according to the given selection arguments:

moduleName: Module name of the panel. The default is myModuleName().

panelName : What Panel The default is myPanelName().

attribute : A simple attribute name of a shape, for example, "foreCol", "selected", "visible".

All attributes which return a single data type can be used (for example, not possible with "position");

default: "selected".

value : The value that specifies that an attribute must include a shape in the resulting list.

The default is true.


Get a list of all shapes with the background color {255,255,255} and set them to be selected:

  dyn_string shapes;
  shapes = getShapes(myModuleName(), myPanelName(),
  "backCol", "{255,255,255}");
  for (int i = 1; i <= dynlen(shapes); i++)
    setValue(shapes[i], "selected", true);


Get a list of all "TEXT_FIELD"; shapes:

dyn_string shapes = getShapes(myModuleName(), myPanelName(),

 "shapeType", "TEXT_FIELD");
  • To be able to access the $-parameters for a given PanelRef, a Panel Reference possess a new readable attribute"dollars". The result is a mapping whereby the key is the $-parameter name

and the value is the $ parameter value. for example,

mapping params;

getValue("Ref1", "dollars", params);
