Start archiving

After configuration, start the process through the console:

  1. Choose WCCOAvalarch (Manager). By default 6 WCCOAvalarch (Archive 0-5) exists.

  2. Specify the archive number as a manager option.


The following entry starts the archiving process of the archive with the number 6:

WCCOAvalarch -num 6

When using a WCCOAvalarch -num 99, an eventPort has to be defined, otherwise the Event Manager terminates with "Permission denied". The Event Manager terminates because the archive with the number 99 allocates the same port as the Event Manager. Define the eventPort via a config entry (see also entry "event" or "eventPort" in General settings).

Value archive files are not platform compatible.

For information about how to create new managers (archive processes), see the chapter Administration of managers.

If the first archive set of an archive is detected as corrupt when the project is started (since the project has not been stopped properly because of a computer breakdown), it will be deleted and a new archive set will be created (this causes data loss).