
The function returns a list of all user-defined completion items.


dyn_mapping seGetCompletionItem()


Parameter Description
- -

Return value

List of mappings containing the completion items


The function returns all user-defined completion items that have been defined using the function seAddCompletionItem().

Each mapping in the returned list represents one entry and contains following keys:

  • "displayText" (string) - Text displayed inside the completion list pop-up
  • "insertText" (string) - Text inserted into the script editor if the item is selected
  • "icon" (string) - Path to the icon displayed inside of the completion list

This function allows to expand the script editor and it is not allowed to use it in another context. To retrieve the script from the Editor, use the existing functiongetScript() and to set it back, use the existing function setScript(). The extension scripts have to be located in <proj_dir>/scripts/scriptEditor directory and an saved with the extension "_ext.ctl". From there only they can be loaded and executed.


Script Editor Extensions
