Available Classes

In the following table are listed the supported QT classes with the corresponding WinCC OA widget are listed. The Qt classes are used as selectors in the CSS file.

Examples of usage of the available classes, you can find in the external Qt documentation Qt Style Sheets Examples.

The implementation of the classes may change in future versions (e.g. derivation from other QT classes.

WinCC OA Widget QT Class
Panel PanelQT (QT base class: QWidget)
Push Button QPushButton
Cascade QPushButton
Text field (single-line) QLineEdit
TextEdit (multi-line) QTextEdit
Container for radio box and checkbox MultiLabeledParent (QT base class: QWidget)
Radio box QRadioButton
Checkbox QCheckBox
Table QTableView
Selection list QListWidget
Spin button QSpinBox
Combo box QComboBox
Tab QTabWidget
Trend TrendQT (container, Qt base class: QSplitter), TrendPlot (curve range, Qt base class: QWidget), TrendScaleQT (scale, Qt base class: QWidget), TrendLegend (Qt base class: QWidget), TrendTimeScale, TrendValueScale
Bartrend TrendArrayWidget, TrendScaleQT (scales)
Clock ClockQT (QT base class: QFrame)
Slider QSlider
Thumb wheel QtThumbWheel (QT base class: QWidget)
Progress bar QProgressBar
DP-TreeView DpTreeView (QT base class: QTreeWidget)
DP-TypeView DpTypeView (QT base class: QTreeWidget)
Tree Widget TreeWidgetQT (QT base class: QTreeView)
Zoom navigator NavWidget (QT base class: QWidget)
ScriptEdit EditorWidget (QT base class: QPlainTextEdit)
Calendar QCalendarWidget

viewport_leading (QT base class: QWidget)

viewport_starthandle (Class: TrendAreaViewportHandle)

viewport_window (QT base class: QWidget)

viewport_endhandle (Class: TrendAreaViewportHandle)

viewport_trailing (QT base class: QWidget)

Frame QGroupBox