Details and Restrictions



Changing the current rotation of the device triggers also the "Zoom" event for the mobile application. No automatic switch between two different panels (portrait/landscape) will be done because all currently filled in text field and opened child panels would be closed. The automatic switch needs to be implemented specifically for the project by using the "Zoom" Event.

Displaying of Object Borders

For iOS Devices which are using an automatic scaling the visual representation of object borders can be improved by setting the object property "borderZoomable". The property must be set for the corresponding object by using "ObjectName.borderZoomable = true".


An inactivity time-out can be defined using the Inactivity management. It must be considered that the correct UI ID for the corresponding connection must be selected for the configuration.

A new installation of the Mobile UI Application creates a new UUID and therefore a new UI connection with new UI ID. This must be considered for the Inactivity management as the old settings must be removed and additional settings for the new connection must be made.

File Access

The mobile UI can only access files under the current PROJ_PATH and the following default directories:

  • Documents
  • Music
  • Movies
  • Pictures
  • Download

For iOS the desktop default path is located within the Documents path and therefore accessible, whereas for Android this path cannot be accessed.

For Android the areas /proc and /sys are accessible, e.g. to get the current battery capacity (/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity) or CPU information (/proc/cpuinfo).


Following restrictions must be considered when working with the WinCC OA Mobile Application:

  • The WebView EWO is not supported for the Mobile UI.
  • The Gis Viewer EWO is not supported for the Mobile UI.
  • The Maps Widget is only supported on Android.
  • The iOS operating system has a limitation of 4 GB virtual memory per a single process. As the Mobile UI is a single process application, it is recommend to avoid using huge panels or panels with a huge number of shapes as to not exceed the memory limit. In case the limit is exceeded, the Mobile UI will be terminated by the operating system.
  • The tab widget feature "fixed tabs" cannot be used for the mobile application.
  • The dark mode is not supported.
  • Explicit RGB values must not be used. Use predefined colors from the Color Databases instead.
  • When opening the mobile application the language of the device is used for displaying the interface.
  • Adding very high resolution graphics to your panels can cause displaying restrictions when using older devices or devices with lower hardware specification!
  • The system() function cannot be used.
  • It is not possible to use custom EWOs or CTRL extensions.
  • The Video EWO is not supported.
  • For Android only the ARM processor architecture is supported.
  • If accessing other files using File functions it must be regarded that they maybe have not yet been imported to the cache directory on the client. Thus, always use file functions together with the getPath() function. getPath() sends an HTTP request to the web server to download the current version of the file. See also getFileNamesRemote()
  • The usage of the automatic logout is not supported for the Mobile UI.
  • Playing sounds, e.g.: by using startSound(),is not supported for the Mobile UI.
  • The PDF-EWO is not available for Android and iOS.
  • For SSA on Mobile UIs the WinCC OA plug-ins AccessControlPlugin and AccessControlPluginUser must be used. User-specific plug-ins must not be used.
  • The Mobile UI does not support COM objects.