
Allows to set the data of a series for the "Polar" chart type.


void shape.setSeriesPolar(int series, dyn_float angle, dyn_float radius)


Parameter Description
series number of the series
angle Angle in degree
radius Radius


The function allows to set a series for a Polar chart by passing the two arrays angle and radius. The arrays must have identical length as they represent the direction (angle array value) and "height" (radius array value) they should represent within the chart.

The angle starts at the position defined using the function startAngle. The angle is meassured along the "angular axis" (axis ID = 0) which is by default a value from 0 to 360. This can be changed by using the function setAxis, e.g. setAxis(0, min, max). If the "minimum" value for the axis set in setAxis exceeds the "maximum" value the direction of the angles is increase clockwise instead of counter-clockwise.

The radial value range for a series ranges from the minimum value to the maximum value of all axis a series belongs to. By default the axis[1] is used.

There can be only 2 radial axis, where axis[0] is the angular axis and axis[1] respectively axis[2] are the first and second radial axis. The value ranges for the radial axis can also be defined using setAxis but for these axis the minimum value must be a smaller value than the maximum value.

