
A Tabelle is a rectangular display area for rows and colums of data.

Available functions Description
"acceptDrops" Adjusts the width of a column for the widest entry to fit.
"addSelectColumns" Adds columns to the table selection.
"addSelectLines" Adds lines to the table selection.
"adjustColumn" Adjusts the width of a column for the widest entry to fit.
"alternatingRowColors" Allows to set alternating colors for the rows of a table.
"appendLine" Appends a line with or without values to a table.
"appendLines" Appends several lines with or without values to a table.
"blankNonExistingRows" Allows to define whether empty rows are visible or not.
"cellBackCol" Changes the background color for the active cell.
"cellBackColRC" Changes the background color for a cell in a given position.
"cellEditableRC" Gets / sets if a specific cell inside of the table can be edited.
"cellFillRC" Specifies the fill pattern for a table cell.
"cellFontRC" Sets the font for a table cell.
"cellForeCol" Changes the font color for the active cell.
"cellForeColRC" Changes the font color for a cell in a given position.
"cellFormatRC" Sets the text format of a specific row and column in a table.
"cellGeometry" Delivers the cell geometry.
"cellToolTipRC" Defines the tool tip text for a specific cell in a table.
"cellValue" Defines the content of the active cell.
"cellValueRC" Defines the content of a cell in a given position.
"cellWidgetRC" Adds a widget (push button or a combo box) to a table.
"columnCount" Returns the number of columns in a table.
"columnEditable" Sets a specific column of a table to editable or not editable.
"columnFormat" Sets the text format of a specific table column.
"columnHeader" Changes specific column labels in the table header.
"columnHeaderVisibility" Shows or hides the table header.
"columnMovingEnabled" Single columns of a table can be dragged by means of the mouse.
"columnName" Returns or sets a column name at runtime.
"columnStretchable" Allows you to adjust the width of a table column.
"columnToName" Returns the column name.
"columnToolTipText" Sets a tool tip text for the column of a table.
"columnVisibility" Shows or hides any column.
"columnWidth" Sets the width of a column in pixels.
"currentCell" Sets or reads the column number and row number for the active cell.
"currentColumn" Sets or reads the name of the active column.
"deleteAllLines" Deletes all rows of a table.
"deleteColumn" Deletes a table column.
"deleteLine" Deletes a row if certain conditions are met.
"deleteLineN" Deletes a specific row.
"deleteLines" Searches columns with key values and deletes these values.
"deleteLinesN" Deletes a defined number of rows, starting from an indexed row.
"deleteSelection" The selection made in the table is cleared.
"enableColumnResize" Enables or disables resizing of table column widths with the mouse.
"enableRowResize" Enables or disables resizing of table row heigths with the mouse.
"exchangeColumnName" Changes the column name at runtime.
"exchangeColumns" Swaps over two columns in the table.
"filterRows" The attribute "filterRows" shows or hides rows depending on the "show" argument if a pattern match in a column is found (see description below).
"filterRowsIgnoreCase" Shows or hides rows depending on the "show" argument if a pattern match is found. Ignores the pattern case, in contrast to"filterRows".
"getColumnN" Returns the content of a column.
"getLineN" Returns the values of a specific row in a table.
"getSelectedColumns" Returns the indices of the selected columns.
"getSelectedLines" Returns the indices of the selected rows.
"gridColor" Returns or sets the grid color of a table at runtime.
"gridType" The function "gridType" specifies whether a column, a row or grid lines of a table are shown or not.
"hScrollBarMode" The attribute "hScrollBarMode" sets the horizontal scroll bar mode of an object, for example, textEdit, tree widget or a table.
"insertColumn" Adds a column to a table.
"insertLineN" Inserts an empty row after a specified row.
"isColumnVisible" Verifies whether the active column is visible.
"isRowHidden" The attribute "isRowHidden" returns TRUE if the specified row is hidden.
"lineCount" Returns the number of rows in a table.
"lineNumbers" Returns the line number of the rows that are stated inside the mapping keys.
"lineParam" The cell attributes in certain rows are changed depending on their contents.
"lineRangeVisible" Returns the upper and lower limits of the rows currently visible.
"lineVisible" Shifts the window focus to a specific row of a table.
"namedColumnEditable" Sets a specific column of a table to editable or not editable.
"namedColumnHeader" Changes the header text of a specific column in the table.
"namedColumnToolTipText" Sets a tool tip text for the column of a table to show above the name.
"namedColumnVisibility" Switches a specific column of a table to visible or invisible.
"namedColumnWidth" Sets the width of a named column.
"nameToColumn" Returns the index of a specific column.
"removeSelectColumns" Removes columns from the table selection.
"removeSelectLines" Removes lines from the table selection.
"rowFontType" Sets font types per line in a table.
"rowHeader" Adds the header to a table row.
"rowHeaders" Adds several row headers to a table.
"rowHeaderToolTip" Adds a tooltip to the header of a table row.
"rowHeaderVisibility" Shows or hides the row headers.
"rowHeaderWidth" Sets the width of row headers.
"rowHeight" Sets the height of a table row.
"selectByClick" Defines the selection mode of the table.
"selectColors" Sets the background and foreground colors for a selected cell in a table.
"selectColumnN" Marks a specific column in the table.
"selectLineN" Marks a specific row in the table.
"setCurrentLine" Sets the current line in the table, depending on its contents.
"showRow", "hideRow" The attribute "showRow" displays a row of a table. The attribute "hideRow" hides a row.
"sort" Sorts the table by columns.
"sortDyn" Sorts the table by columns passed in an array.
"sortOnClick" Controls table sorting when a table header is clicked on.
"sortOrig" Returns to a specific table sort order.
"sortPart" Sorts a specific section in the table.
"sortUndo" Discards the last sort.
"tableMode" Changes the table mode.
"updateLine" Finds columns using key values and changes certain cell contents of a line.
"updateLines" Finds columns using key values and changes certain cell contents of multiple lines.
"updateLinesThreshold" "updateLinesThreshold" defines how many lines as a minimum there have to be in order to use another algorithm for the updateLines function.
"vScrollBarMode" The attribute "vScrollBarMode" sets the vertical scroll bar mode of an object e.g. of a textEdit, a tree widget or a table.
"writeToFile" Writes the table content to a file.