Example configurations

The following panels show examples of data point configurations

Example 1

In this example a data point is configured to hardware address data block 11, data word 7. The data format is BCD, the transfer direction is in the command direction.

Example 2

In this example a data point is configured to the most significant byte of data word 11 in data block 11. The transfer direction is in the send direction, WinCC OA receives the data via single queries. The subindex 1 defines the most significant byte of the data word; the least significant byte would have subindex 0.

Example 3

In this example a data point is configured to flag block 15. The data format is floating point, which means it occupies four bytes of blocks 15 to 18. This data point is polled every 10 seconds by the driver.

Example 4

In the final example a data point is configured to data block 200, data word 0. The data format is bitstring. The data point is the 26th element of an array, i.e. the actual hardware address is data block 200, data word 1.