Translation of UI Entries

For the translation of UI entries such as menus, warning dialogs and other window labels of the GEDI, LogViewer, etc. *.ts files are delivered with the installation:

  • LogViewer_untranslated.ts - menus, warning dialogs and other Qt window labels of the LogViewer
  • uim_untranslated.ts - menus, warning dialogs and other window labels of the UI, especially GEDI
  • qt_untranslated.ts - Standard texts for UI menus such as print dialog, or error messages

These can be found under <wincc_oa_path>/nls.

How to TRANSLATE menus

In this example the entries of the LogViewer_untranslated.ts are translated.

  1. Open the Shell of the operating system and change the directory to <wincc_oa_path>/nls.
  2. Enter the following command:

     linguist LogViewer_untranslated.ts
    Note: You can find the linguist.exe under WinCC_OA_path/bin/linguist.
  3. This opens a dialog with the language settings. Select from the combo box Target language -> Language, the language texts are translated to, and from the combo box Country the country of the language. Confirm with OK.
  4. Translate the texts from theLogViewer_untranslated.tsfile using the Qt Linguist. You can find the Online help for the Linguist under
  5. Once you have completed the translation, save your changes and enter the following command in the Shell:

    lrelease LogViewer_untranslated.ts
  6. This generates the file LogViewer_untranslated.qm and stores it in the /nls directory.
  7. Copy the file to the specific language directory, e.g. pl_PL.iso88591, in the <wincc_oa_path>/msg directory and rename it to LogViewer.qm. Additionally the file qt.qm (located in the <wincc_oa_path>/msg/en_US.iso88591 must be copied to the specific language directory.
  8. If you open the LogViewer in Polish (change the language to Polish using the online language switching of the Console and restart the LogViewer via the Console). The translated texts are shown in Polish.