Copying the template panel

The following preparatory steps are needed in order to create a configuration panel for your driver.

Preparing the configuration panel

  1. Change to the directory <wincc_oa_path>/panels/para.

  2. Copy the panel "address_sim.pnl" to the directory <proj_path>/panels/para.

  3. Now name the panel as specified in point 5 (under types in the script userDriver.ctl). For instance for newdrv1 the panel name would be address_newdrv1.pnl.

This panel already contains several input fields. If practical, you could also use an existing similar driver and modify its panel and scripts (e.g. for OPC).

Since the Simulator driver has been used as the example in the script userPara.ctl, you can see the changes to the script in the configuration panel for "New driver 1".

Now go to the next chapter Changes in the script userPara.ctl.