Requirements and installation


  • Correctly installed WinCC OA version 2.12.1 or higher.

  • Since the PARA configuration module under Windows provides several functions for mass configuration, a license to open the configuration interface must exist (keyword para).

  • Users logged into WinCC OA must hold configuration authorization.

  • Mass configuration is only available under VISION/PARA.


A standard installation of WinCC OA version 2.12.1 or above is required for using the mass configuration facility.

Further details on installing WinCC OA are given in the Installation chapter of the Online Help.

When using PowerConfigs in a distributed system, creating/copying/deleting of data points in the PARA module only works on the system being used. Furthermore, in a distributed system, templates, management of data point types etc. also only work in PARA on the actual system being used (context menus for PowerConfig settings are only visible on that system - exception: the context menus are displayed at the DPT level). The parameter-setter must make sure that Configs/PowerConfigs are kept consistent on all systems (if applicable, restart each UI after copying the powerconfig file). Setting a description/format/unit as well as the creation of a data point type/data point also only works on the actual system being used!

Start the PARA module as a separate process from the console (WCCOAui -m para), as this can sometimes speed things up considerably when working with the mass configuration facility (creation of multiple DPs, PowerConfig configuration) compared with starting the PARA module from GEDI!