WCCIL00event - PARAM/WARNING - Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original.._value

Enclosed you'll find the explanation of a log-message which can be displayed during startup of the project. The log message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCILevent (0), 2012.05.16 12:13:21.015, PARAM,WARNING, 7, Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original.._value, MAN: (SYS: 1 Driver -num 7 CONN: 1)
WCCILevent (0), 2011.11.21 11:44:02.513, SYS, INFO, 54, Unexpected state, MsgQueueContainer, appendMsg, MSG Limit
exceeded - Going below message limit 100000 for connection (SYS: 1 Ctrl -num 2 CONN: 1)

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILevent (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,WARNING, 7, Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original.._value, MAN: (SYS: 1 Driver -num <driver-number> CONN: 1)
54, Unexpected state, MsgQueueContainer, appendMsg, MSG Limit
exceeded - Going below message limit <current limit> for connection
(SYS: <systemnumber> <manager-ID> -num <manager-number> CONN: <connection>)

This log message describes that the internal data point _DriverX(_2) is missing for the data point type _DriverCommon. X must be replaced with the driver number you are using. The driver number is also displayed in the log message with the Driver –num <driver-number> keyword.

In a redundant system, you must also create the data point _DriverX_2. After creating the data points, the drivers must be restarted with the specified number.