WCCIL00event - PARAM/WARNING - has more than 500 matching alerts

Enclosed you'll find the explanation of a log-message which can be displayed during startup of the project. The log message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCILevent (0), 2011.12.11 16:51:33.355, PARAM,WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, MCR:W_30_78_FIT_1300_01.alarm.Q_WL:_alert_hdl.._visible (Type: 953 Sys: 1 Dp: 64190 El: 123 : _alert_hdl.._visible) AlertTime: 2011.12.11;13:40:27:038 Count: 0, has more than 500 matching alerts

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILevent (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, <DPE-name>:_alert_hdl.._visible (<DP-ID> : _alert_hdl.._visible) AlertTime: <alert-time> Count: 0, has more than 500 matching alerts

This log-message describes that more than 500 pending alerts exist in the system for the datapoint element <DPE-name> .

It can be shown if the option Acknowledge old alarms is activated in the alert class used for the _alert_hdl config for the specified datapoint element. When using this option, each individual alert for a DP element must be acknowledged, even if new alarms have already been generated for this DP element.

Typically this option is used in the _alert_class-config. If it is not required that all alerts and only the last alert for a DP element must be acknowledged, disable this option.

Just changing the alert class settings has no effect on the live alerts. You must acknowledge the pending alerts.

The residential alerts can be corrected as follows:

  • Stop the project
  • Make a backup copy of the database except for the VA directories
  • Open a DOS box/command shell
  • Start the command <WinCC OA version>/bin/PVSStoolRepairDb -delafs living -proj <project name> -log +stderr
  • Confirm that the alert file set "alliving" is deleted
  • Wait for the PVSStoolRepairDb command to finish
  • Restart the project
  • Check if the log message is shown again and if the pending alerts are displayed correctly in the AEScreen