COM - dpGetAsynch()

Returns the historic values that were valid at that time.


HRESULT dpGetAsynch([in] DATE dtTime, [in] VARIANT vDpName, [out] VARIANT *vValues);


Parameter Description
dtTime Time
vDpName Data point attributes
vValues Values that are written


Reads values of data point attributes at a particular source time and writes these in the vValues. The type of vValues depends on the attribute type. If a data point does not exist, an error code is returned in vValues. If only the data point is specified, :_offline.._value is added. See also CTRL function dpGetAsynch().


(See ComSample.xls, CComSample)

Public Sub dpGetAsynch()
Dim vValue As Variant
Dim dTime As Date
'Heute, Mitternacht
dTime = Date
'Abfrage eines einzelnen Wertes
moComManager.dpGetAsynch dTime, " ExampleDP_Trend1.", vValue
Debug.Print dTime, "ExampleDP_Trend1.", vValue
End Sub
