Data types for DPEs

WinCC OA has the following integer constants for querying data types of data point elements:

Integer constant int value Comment
DPEL_BIT32 24 bit pattern
DPEL_BIT32_STRUCT 16 bit pattern structure
DPEL_BIT64 50 bit pattern
DPEL_BIT64_STRUCT 52 bit pattern structure
DPEL_BLOB 46 blob (binary large object)
DPEL_BLOB_STRUCT 47 blob structure
DPEL_BOOL 23 bit
DPEL_BOOL_STRUCT 15 bit structure
DPEL_CHAR 19 character
DPEL_CHAR_STRUCT 11 character structure
DPEL_DPID 27 DP-Identifier
DPEL_DPID_STRUCT 39 label structure
DPEL_DYN_BIT32 8 dynamic array for bit pattern
DPEL_DYN_BIT32_STRUCT 35 dynamic bit-pattern array structure
DPEL_DYN_BIT64 51 dynamic array for bit pattern
DPEL_DYN_BIT64_STRUCTURE 53 dynamic bit pattern array structure
DPEL_DYN_BLOB 48 dynamic blob
DPEL_DYN_BLOB_STRUCT 49 dynamic blob structure
DPEL_DYN_BOOL 7 dynamic bit array
DPEL_DYN_BOOL_STRUCT 34 dynamic bit array structure
DPEL_DYN_CHAR 3 dynamic character array
DPEL_DYN_CHAR_STRUCT 30 dynamic character array structure
DPEL_DYN_DPID 29 dynamic DP-Identifier array
DPEL_DYN_DPID_STRUCT 38 dynamic DP-Identifier array structure
DPEL_DYN_FLOAT 6 dynamic number array for floating decimal point
DPEL_DYN_FLOAT_STRUCT 33 dynamic number structure for floating decimal point
DPEL_DYN_INT 5 dynamic integer array
DPEL_DYN_INT_STRUCT 32 dynamic integer structure
DPEL_DYN_LANGSTRING 44 multilingual dynamic text array
DPEL_DYN_LANGSTRING_STRUCT 45 multilingual dynamic text structure
DPEL_DYN_STRING 9 dynamic text array
DPEL_DYN_STRING_STRUCT 36 dynamic text-array structure
DPEL_DYN_TIME 10 dynamic time array
DPEL_DYN_TIME_STRUCT 37 dynamic time array structure
DPEL_DYN_UINT 4 dynamic array of positive whole numbers
DPEL_DYN_UINT_STRUCT 31 dynamic array of positive integers
DPEL_DYN_LONG 55 dynamic array of integer values (64 bit)
DPEL_DYN_LONG_STRUCT 57 dynamic structure of integer values (64 bit)
DPEL_DYN_ULONG 59 dynamic array of positive integer values (64 bit)
DPEL_DYN_ULONG_STRUCT 61 dynamic structure of positive integer values (64 bit)
DPEL_FLOAT 22 floating point system
DPEL_FLOAT_STRUCT 14 number structure for floating decimal point
DPEL_INT 21 integer
DPEL_INT_STRUCT 13 integer structure
DPEL_LANGSTRING 42 description
DPEL_LANGSTRING_STRUCT 43 description structure
DPEL_LONG 54 Integer value (64 bit)
DPEL_LONG_STRUCT 56 structure of integer values (64 bit)
DPEL_STRING_STRUCT 17 text structure
DPEL_STRUCT 1 structure
DPEL_TIME 26 time
DPEL_TIME_STRUCT 18 time structure
DPEL_TYPEREF 41 data point type reference
DPEL_UINT 20 unsigned integer
DPEL_UINT_STRUCT 12 structure of unsigned integers
DPEL_ULONG 58 Positive integer value (64 bit)
DPEL_ULONG_STRUCT 60 structure of positive integer values (64 bit)