
Changes the width of a named column. The width of the column is defined in pixels.


shape.namedColumnWidth(string columnName, int pixelWidth);


Parameter Description
shape Name of the object
columnName Name of the column
pixelWidth Width of the column


This function allows changing the number of pixels for the width of a named column.


The example changes the width of the selected column of a table. The columns are selected from a combo box (columnInd) on the basis of an index number (index number in the table). The pixel width is also chosen from a combo box (columnWid). In order to run the code, you need "Table1" as well as the combo boxes "columnInd"; and "columnWid";. The combo box "columnInd"; contains the index numbers of the table columns and the combo box "columnWid"; contains the available pixel widths.

  int index;
  int pixelWidth;
  string columnName, sindex,swidth;
  sindex = columnInd.text; // Index number from the combo box
  index = sindex; //Set the index number
  swidth = columnWid.text; //Width from the combo box
  pixelWidth = swidth; //Set the width
  columnName = Table1.columnName(index);//Set the column of the table
  Table1.namedColumnWidth(columnName,pixelWidth);//Set the selected width 
  //for the selected column 
  DebugN(name," ",pixelWidth);

