
After successful login displays the required panel.


void afterLogin(string user, string password, string newLocale, int closeModules, [string panel=""], [string module="WinCC_OA"], [dyn_string dollar=makeDynString()]);


Parameter Description
user Name of the user
password User's password
newLocale Selected user language - for example, "de_AT.iso88591"

Determines if the module should be closed during the login process. The default value is 0:

<0: panel calling the function is closed

0: opens a new module

1: calling module is closed

3: calling module is closed

iConfNum Id of the used multi screen configuration. The default value is 1. The parameter is used for the panel topology.
panel Specifies which panel is opened after the login. The default value is an empty string "".
module Name of the module in which the panel is opened. The default value is WinCC_OA.
dollar Dollar parameters that are passed to the panel.

Return Value

None (void)


After login this function opens a project panel of your choice.


In order to open the user interface after the login, call the function as follows:

main(mapping event)

In order to open a panel of your choice after the login, call the function as follows. Here the "about.pnl" is opened in the module "TEST_Module".

main(mapping event)
  afterLogin("Guest","","de_DE.utf8", 0,1,"about.pnl", "TEST_Module");


User administration
