WCCILdata - IMPL/WARNING - loadSumAlert, nonexistent identifier in the ID-list

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log message which occurs at startup when there is an inconsistency of summary alerts, the log-message is written to the WCCOA.log file.

WCCIL00data (0), 2010.11.12 18:24:38.296, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, PersAlertValue, loadSumAlert, nonexistent identifier in the ID-list (Type: 0 Sys: 1 Dp: 738 El: 4 : 0..0) referenced from sumalert tank1_1.Warning:_alert_hdl (Type: 0 Sys: 0 Dp: 753 El: 2 : _alert_hdl..0)

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCIL00data (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, PersAlertValue, loadSumAlert, nonexistent identifier in the ID-list (<DP-ID>) referenced from sumalert
 <DP-element-name>:_alert_hdl (<DP-ID> : _alert_hdl..0)

This log message describes that the configuration of the summary alert of the DPelement <DP-element-name> is inconsistent.

It occurs when a DP element, which was used as an input-parameter for the summary-alert, is deleted. Since the DP element is deleted, the name cannot be shown in the log message. Only the DP ID is known.

To correct the summary alert, select this DP element via the PARA module and check the configuration for the summary alerts.

Enclosed you find a simple solution to correct the summary alerts and to delete the references to non existent datapoint elements:

  • ASCII export the _alert_hdl configs. In the ASCII file the not existing datapoints are not listed anymore as they cannot be resolved into a name.
  • Import the ASCII file without any modifications in the file using the option to import alert handling configs (-inactivateAlert)