WCCILdata - SYS/FATAL - Could not create the server socket on port

The following log message can be displayed during the startup of the project. The log message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

In this case, the project cannot be started.

WCCILdata (0), 2012.11.15 10:31:52.844, SYS, FATAL, 158, Could not create the server socket on port = 9700: Permission denied

The log message with symbolic names:

WCCILdata (0), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, FATAL, 158, Could not create the server socket on port = <port-number>: Permission denied

The log message describes that the data manager could not open a TCP-server-socket for the given port-number.

This can happen if the port is already in use by another program or opening the given port is not allowed by system settings.

With the following commands you can check if a port is already in use and which process has opened the port. You could redirect the output to a file, then searching for the port-number and the associated information should be easier to understand.

Linux: netstat -l -t -p
Windows: netstat -p TCP -o –b