WCCILevent - PARAM/INFO - EvDpManager::dpFuncInit - config inactive

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log message which can be displayed during startup of the project. The log message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2012.05.29 11:23:31.512, PARAM,INFO, 0, , DP: System1:Pump1.info.value:_dp_fct, MAN: (SYS: 1 Event -num 0 CONN: 1), EvDpManager::dpFuncInit - config inactive

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,INFO, 0, , DP: <DPE-name>:_dp_fct, MAN: (SYS: 1 Event -num 0 CONN: 1), EvDpManager::dpFuncInit - config inactive

This log message describes that the datapoint function for the given DP element <DPE-name> is "inactive" and no calculation will be made during runtime.

This error can occur if a _dp_fct-config was added without additional configuration (input parameters, function).

To fix this error, check the configuration of the datapoint function. If the datapoint-function is not needed for this DP element, remove the config.